Morocco and Tanzania determined to translate their bilateral agreements into reality


During an interview, the head of government, Saad Eddine El Othmani and the president of the National Assembly of Tanzania, Job Ndugai, highlighted the quality of relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries , who signed a new start in favor of the royal visit to this country of East Africa in 2016, said a statement from the Department of the Head of Government.

This visit was crowned by the signature of 22 agreements covering different areas of cooperation such as tourism, agriculture, sea fishing, renewable energies and air transport, it is recalled

The President of the National Assembly of Tanzania, who is making a visit working in Morocco, expressed his country's gratitude for the royal initiative to build a large mosque in Dar Essalam with a capacity of 5,000 worshipers and a large stadium that will strengthen the sports infrastructure in the country.

For his part, Mr. El Othmani stressed that Morocco, in the framework of the African policy of King Mohammed VI, sees to the strengthening of the cooperation and the partnership with the African friendly countries, announcing the constant disposition of the Kingdom to share the experience he has accumulated in the different fields of development, serving his partners in the continent.

The Head of Government also stressed the role of parliamentary diplomacy in strengthening relations of Morocco.

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