MRE invited to Morocco for the throne party


July 30, 2018 – 4:00 pm –
Moroccans of the world

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In a statement, the Minister Delegate in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad and Migration Affairs states that "this participation is part of the varied and complementary programs set up by this department to strengthen and consolidate the links between the Moroccans of the world and their country of origin. "

" This participation is also part of the strategy of the ministry based on the preservation of the identity of the Moroccans of the world, the protection of their rights and interests and the strengthening of their contribution to the development of their own country ", the statement added.

A communication meeting took place held yesterday to consider several issues of concern to the MREs. Two presentations were made on this occasion, relating to "The Territorial Integrity of the Kingdom" and "The Stakes of South-South Cooperation."

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