Municipal: candidate in Abobo, Hamed Bakayoko stresses that "it is the largest construction site" of his life


million. Bakayoko was speaking during a meeting in this commune with a dozen ministers of the presidential party including Kandia Camara, Mamadou Toure, Bruno Kone, Sidiki Konate, Mariatou Kone, Bandama Maurice and Ramata Ly-Bakayoko. [19659002] "It is with pleasure and pride that I accept to be the head of the list of the RDR which will be extended to the RHDP for municipal in Abobo. I take this mission very seriously and consider it to be the biggest project of my life, "said Bakayoko insisting that" I do not come to Abobo to try to make a name for myself, but I do not come also to spoil my name. "

In an address full of hope for the people of this commune who have mostly a modest life, Hamed Bakayoko promised to ensure that every child Abobo can also "dream of a great destiny".

With regard to the rather worrying security issue in this commune, he assured that "I will focus more on this problem". According to him, if the President of the Republic asked him to "come to Abobo now, it is not by chance".

M. Bakayoko, who says that he came to serve the Abobolese, announced that "my wife and I bought a house in Abobo and in 10 days we will live next to you."

In the wake, he called potential candidates from the RDR who still intend to run for this election in Abobo, to block his candidacy. "I still ask all our brothers who are still in personal projects to join us. Everyone has to come, "he said.

Before him, Kandia Camara, the secretary general of the RDR, who claims to be carrying a message from the Ivorian president, explained the context of Mr. Bakayoko's choice to lead his party's list to these elections in Abobo.

According to her, it was the Abobo RDR cadres who addressed this grievance to Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara who responded favorably to this request.

"President Ouattara entrusts me with you say that he agrees that Hamed Bakayoko is the candidate of the RHDP (Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace, ruling coalition) in Abobo ", said Ms. Camara explaining that Mr. Ouattara chose" his son Beloved Hamed Bakayoko to be a candidate for Abobo "because he himself has a special affection for this commune.

In addition, Hamed Bakayoko announced that an envelope of 20 billion FCFA, released by the Ivorian government, will be invested in development projects in this town before next December. "This year, as part of the emergency plan, Prime Minister Amadou Gon has reached with the government, an envelope of 20 billion FCFA that will be spent in Abobo before December," said Mr. Bakayoko ensuring populations that "I will make sure that you invest where you need".

In December 2016, it is recalled, during a ceremony launching road works in Abobo, Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara announced "a special plan and an investment of 100 billion FCFA" for this municipality in "the years to come ".

Commanding his development projects for this popular commune, Mr. Bakayoko also announced the construction of the largest wrestling sports academy in Abobo. "We are going to have the largest wrestling sports academy here in Abobo. With the help of the Minister of Culture, we are going to have a big arts festival here in Abobo and all the stars from around the world will come here, "he said, among other things, adding that" I'm not going to have fun with this work ".

The municipal and regional Ivorian have been set to 13 October. More than 6.5 million voters are registered on the provisional electoral list submitted Friday to the political parties by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in charge of the organization of these elections.

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