The richest on Instagram is her: Kylie Jenner has just been revealed as the personality whose posts, photos and messages on the social network were the most impacting. According to the Hopper HQ application, each post of the boss of Kylie Cosmetics would have an estimated value of 1 million dollars!
The young woman of 20 years would precede the singer Selena Gomez, whose messages would be worth 800 000 dollars and footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, 750,000. His half-sister Kim Kardashian is in fourth place with $ 720,000 estimated per post, and two other members of the Kardashian clan, Kendall Jenner and Khloé Kardashian, are also in the Top 11 Instagram users generating the most dollars
Earlier this month, Kylie Jenner appeared on the cover of the prestigious "Forbes" magazine in her edition devoted to the richest women in the world. The reality TV star, who became mom with her boyfriend Travis Scott of the small Stormi, born in February, seems determined to keep up the momentum.
"It's amazing to be recognized for something that I am passionate, I am very grateful for that. I've always loved makeup and worked hard to come up with my first lip care kit on the market. Being in touch with my fans and creating products that excite them is an incredible process, I learned a lot and I hope I can inspire others to follow their dreams, "she told the magazine. (The Morning)
Created: 25.07.2018, 17:59
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$ ( "# FbFormN_sms_change_Ver") show (). $ ( "# CommentsForm_sms_send_change_veryfy") show ().
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclass); } else { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclass); } } }); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// / function commentsForm_phone_change_sms_verify () { var fbFormN_email_phone_chnage = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email_phone_chnage"). val ()); var fbFormN_telephone_change = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_telephone_change"). val ()); var fbFormN_password_phone_chnage = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_password_phone_chnage"). val ()); var fbFormN_sms_change_Ver = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_sms_change_Ver"). val ()); var fbForm_customerId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_customerId"). val ());
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$ ( '# Comment_login_form') show ().
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclass); } else { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclass); } } }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// / function commentsForm_sms_verify () { var fbFormN_firstName = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_firstName"). val ()); var fbFormN_surname = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_surname"). val ()); var fbFormN_telephone = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_telephone"). val ()); var fbFormN_email = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email"). val ()); var fbForm_customerId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_customerId"). val ()); var fbForm_storyId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_storyId"). val ()); var fbFormN_smsVer = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_smsVer"). val ());
var hasErrors = false;
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setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclass); } } }); } }
////////////////////////////////////////// // swissnoise quiva function auto_login_quiva (data) { console.log ("quiva login start"); var user = { "remoteId": data.uid, "username": data.user.email, "password": data.pcr, "email": data.user.email, "firstName": data.user.first_name, "lastName": data.user.last_name, "zipCode": data.user.post_code, "locality": data.user.city, "phoneNumber": data.user.mobile_number }; whatif.login (user) .always (function () {
}); console.log ("quiva login done"); } // Swissish END quiva
function auto_login_email (data) {
$ Hide () ( "commentFBlogin..");
$ Hide () ( "commentOhnelogin..");
var html = '';
var name = data.user.first_name + '' + data.user.last_name;
html + = ' Welcome, ' + name + '
html + = ' Submit Comment ';
html + = 'Disconnect
html + = 'Manage profile';
html + = '';
html + = '';
$ ( "# CommentLoggedInEmail") html (html).
set_logged_in_cookie (data);
$ ( "# CommentLoggedInEmail") show ().
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/////////////////////////////////////////////////// function log(msg){ if (typeof console === 'undefined') { return false; } else { return true; } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main // fb auth var fbAccessToken = ''; var fbUserID = ''; var fbUserName = ''; FBcomments.initFb(); var nnFBloggedIn = check_nnCookie(); if (nnFBloggedIn == true) { fbLoginDisplay(true);
} else { fbLoginDisplay(false); }
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//// some more jquery stuff $ (Document) .ready (function () { read_logged_in_cookie();
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