On Wednesday, July 11, Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara chaired the first cabinet meeting of his new government. The new government team, whose composition was announced Tuesday, brings together personalities who adhere to the unified party plan for the presidential elections of 2020. Within the ruling coalition only the PDCI refuses for the moment this merger project. with the presidential party. The party of Henri Konan Bédié claims in fact beforehand that the RDR supports a candidate from the ranks of the PDCI in 2020, which his ally refuses.
Despite this context, President Ouattara, in the face of his new government, denied any tension within the ruling coalition and renewed his call for the unified party, which he said was a guarantee of peace and development for the country. [19659003] I hear here and there that there is tension at the political level. This is not true. And everyone around this table knows that it is in the union of the children of Houphouët-Boigny that we will continue to advance our beautiful country, assured President Ouattara.
So, I would like to count on each and every one of you. I would like to tell you that dialogue, tolerance, consultation are essential things. Not only within the government, but between the political actors and also within the Ivorian nation. Côte d'Ivoire has made unimaginable progress over the past seven years. I ask that it can continue in the union. And that is what explains the composition of this government.
I will have more precise indications on my future ambitions to gather the whole Nation on the occasion of my address to the Nation on August 6th at evening "
The PCDI regrets that it was neither informed nor consulted
Within the PDCI-RDA, even though several ministers of this formation have agreed to be reappointed or to enter this new government, the direction is more reserved, as Narcisse N'dri, member of the executive secretariat of the PDCI, interviewed by RFI explains.
" We were waiting for the formation of a new government. But the PDCI-RDA, party member of the RHDP coalition, was not informed or consulted for the formation of this new government. So, our reaction is astonishment: a new government is being set up and the PDCI-RDA – party member of the coalition – was not associated with the formation of this new government ".
Is the PDCI still part of the coalition?
" Yes, until our astonishment is illuminated
Are the PDCI Ministers Who Have Agreed to Participate in this Government at Risk of Exclusion?
" I do not think it is on the agenda to discuss it. We did not have anything in our possession with regard to the responsibilities and to imagine sanctions where appropriate. We are waiting for a light of astonishment that we have expressed ".
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