Nǐ hǎo Xi Jinping | lexpress.mu


China's appetite for Africa, which is not new, is growing. The result seems convincing: today, after billions of dollars of investment stocks scattered across the continent, including Mauritius, the growing dependence of Africans on the Chinese is obvious and seems to have crossed the threshold of no comeback. The arrival tonight of Xi Jinping at home, after the BRICS summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and a skilfully planned African tour, is a gesture of friendship between the Asian giant and the Tom Thumb we are, but also and especially a consolidation of relations in a context where Beijing multiplies low-interest loans in exchange for construction projects (with the notable exception of the Metro Express, project remained across the throats of the Chinese, as it was shelved by the Indians …)

If it is not (yet) the case with us, China is already positioning itself as the first trading partner of Africa, ahead of the European Union (bogged down by the challenges of the old continent related to security and immigration), the United States (which is subject to the policy of withdrawal and the dirty language – "shithole countries" – of Donald Trump) and India (whose economic opening e of Modi operates mainly towards the West and the Arab countries for the moment.)

China was mainly hungry for African raw materials, necessary for its gargantuan development. Hence the massive injections of capital in Zambia or Angola, for example, while it is less the case in Côte d'Ivoire or Senegal. Foreign trade data show, however, that as French market shares decline in the countries of the old Françafrique (steadily for the past 20 years), China's market shares are increasing dramatically.

Under pressure from other donors, who point to Chinese dubious practices in ecology, African governments are trying to sway China by focusing on the right to work of locals. Even if we can note some concessions, the bulk of the jobs created will, in priority, the Chinese workforce. Just visit the site Jin Fei, Riche-Terre, to be convinced. The result is, moreover, visible: the workers have a remarkable productivity. The charming ambassador Sun Gongyi, French-speaking to the tips of his nails, is proud that the economic and trade cooperation between our two countries is not only Jin Fei but also the New Airport Terminal Building and the Bagatelle Dam. And that the question of labor and culture are now part of the bilateral debate.

Whatever the rhetoric, let's not be fooled: states do not really have friends . States have only interests. This is a basic principle in international relations – and that is why, inter alia, an international court of justice has been established in The Hague since 1945 in order to " international law, disputes between States ". This principle continues through a world in perpetual change, hence the games of alliances that are formed and untie at the whim of the interests of nations in the short, medium and long terms. This is how. As the emergence of the BRICS in the face of the Bretton Woods institutions.

Thus, on the Chagos issue, in the International Court of Justice, unlike the stated support of India, one should not expect that Xi Jinping deviates from the foreign policy of the Communist Party that pushes for its One Belt and One Road Initiative (crossing the Indian Ocean Rim space). If the Chinese say they understand us in private, it is clear that they can not officially support us on the issue of decolonization, being themselves in conflict on the peripheral files: Taiwan, Hong Kong, China Sea, Tibet … China will not be able to so that we encourage to resolve Chagossian disagreement on a purely bilateral level with the British. Which has not given anything so far. Beyond the indisputable human dimension and diplomatic and legal actions on sovereignty or other aspects, we must not hide from the analysis the important geostrategic issue – geostrategy, which is a branch of geopolitics , focuses mainly on the political and warlike implications of geographical situations (natural resources, border areas, maritime areas).


While Beijing is actively preparing for the China-Africa Cooperation Forum summit next September , to which Pravind Jugnauth will participate, Xi Jinping, known as "The Boss", intends to sit the Chinese ambitions on the continent. Senegal and Rwanda are two countries that have significant diplomatic weight on the continent and are experiencing relative economic success. At the head of the African Union since January 2018, Rwandan Kagame cultivates a pan-African vision – moreover implemented by the creation of the ZLEC (Continental Free Trade Area) signed by no less than 49 countries …

At the time of the Safe City project, Jugnauth fils could walk the streets of Beijing to better understand how a "state surveillance" works where citizens are controlled step by step, thanks to an impressive network of CCTV cameras – where the focus is on facial recognition and artificial intelligence in order to fitch everyone: from the tourist to the political dissident through the students. This is also China. An economic giant, aggressive, expansive, who has nothing to do with Western democracy (Westminster style) and individual freedom. As long as the power remains unshakable. And what security (who?) Premium …

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