Niger. Army announces killing "ten terrorists" of Boko Haram


The Niger army has confirmed that it has killed "ten terrorists" in the south-east of the country, after repelling an attack by the jihadist group Boko Haram.

Niger's army announced Saturday that it had killed "Ten terrorists" after repelling an attack of one of its positions by the jihadist group Boko Haram in the south-east of the country, close to Nigeria.

"On the night of Thursday, July 19 to Friday, July 20 around 23:00 (22:00 GMT), the military position of Baroua was attacked by the terrorist group Boko Haram. The provisional balance sheet is: friend side, a dead soldier and two wounded, enemy side ten terrorists killed following the rigorous reaction of our forces " says the Nigerian Ministry of Defense in a statement read Saturday night on television State. "The search operations undertaken by our defense and security forces are in progress" provides the ministry.

Six soldiers killed

Baroua is located in the N'Guigmi zone, in the Diffa region (south-eastern Niger), not far from the Lake Chad basin, a swampy area very difficult to access, where are entrenched Boko Haram fighters. In early July, six Nigerian soldiers were killed in the attack on the Bla Brin military post in the same area, according to an army report. In June, three suicide bombers blew up their belts of explosives in different parts of the city of Diffa, the regional capital, killing six people. The Diffa region has been the scene of numerous attacks since February 2015 by Boko Haram, a group based in northeastern Nigeria.

In addition to the Boko Haram attacks in the south-east, Niger is facing Recurrent attacks by Islamists from Sahelian groups in the north and west.

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