Nkulula de la Lucha died in the explosion of a battery, according to the Goma Prosecutor's Office investigation


Luc Nkulula died by the explosion of a battery powered by the photovoltaic panel of their house, indicate the results of investigations released this Friday by the public prosecutor of Goma.

The Congolese justice had announced the 12 June the opening of an inquiry demanded by human rights defenders

The UN mission in the DRC (Monusco) offered to support investigations

"My office has opened an investigation that began with the raid on the scene of the fire, "said Dauphin Mawazo, prosecutor of the High Court of Goma (North Kivu).

" The younger sister and uncle of the victim have already been heard, today we will question the neighbor, also a victim in this fire, "Mawazo added.

The Lucha, his movement, claimed to suspect" the enemies of democracy and peace " in this "suspicious" fire.

"Our friend Ade Luc Nkulula died in a suspicious fire in his house on the night of Saturday to Sunday, "Ghislain Muhiwa, one of the leaders of this indignant youth movement based in Goma, North Kivu, told AFP. . "We suspect the enemies of democracy and peace of being responsible for this cowardly act on the person of our comrade, even if until then we do not know the origin of the fire."

>> Read also: Opening of an investigation into the death of an anti-Kabila activist

Already at the announcement of the opening of the investigation, Lucha like other movements of human rights defenders man and democracy demanded a transparent and independent inquiry

The announcement of the opening of an investigation by the prosecution "is a good thing" and "encourages us". However, "we remain firm in our position in the demand of an international investigation, (…) with a specialized organization in fire", had reacted to the AFP Giva Kombi, one of the leaders of Struggle for the change (Lucha), pro-democracy movement based in Goma.

On the same day, the committee of Catholic laypeople who organized three anti-Kabila marches in late 2017 and early 2018, whose repression killed 15 people, demanded an investigation truly independent in determining the circumstances of the death of the activist.

>> Read also: An anti-Kabila activist killed in the fire of his house in Goma

Luc Nkulula, 33, was one of the founders of Lucha, a movement opposed to the continued in power of Congolese President Joseph Kabila, beyond the end of his term, which expired on December 20, 2016.

On February 25, on the sidelines of a march of Catholics he had been arrested in Goma with other members of Lucha

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