No, Omar Sy was not arrested at Gare de Lyon


On Wednesday evening, several media reported the arrest of the actor at the Gare de Lyon in Paris. The SNCF denied.

"Swift exchanges" but no insults and even less arrest. In a statement, the SNCF has denied the information about the clash between the actor Omar Sy and an agent of SNCF Wednesday at the Gare de Lyon in Paris.

"The SNCF deeply regrets that the lively exchanges that took place this afternoon in Gare de Paris Lyon between Omar Sy and one of his agents are the subject of a media treatment based on the exaggeration of the facts and on comments that Omar Sy never held as confirmed by the SNCF agent with his hierarchy, "wrote the rail group in a statement posted on Twitter. "The incident is over and Omar Sy has been able to continue his journey," concludes the railway company.

Information maintained by Closer

In late afternoon Wednesday, the magazine Closer had stated in an article that the actor, who played in particular Intouchables was arrested after insulting an SNCF agent when boarding a train. According to information from people magazine, taken by many media, the actor of 40 years, who traveled with his wife and their daughter, would have called a "small cock" a controller when he explained to him that the number of luggage to edge was limited. He was later arrested for insulting the officer.

A version of history far removed from that reported by the SNCF. Yet Thursday morning, Closer published a new article reaffirming that insults were indeed uttered by Omar Sy and that the police intervened. "The prosecutor's office followed the decision of the police on the ground, who decided to let Omar Sy leave, to the extent that he apologized and because the victim did not wish to complain after the apology made by the police. actor, "writes the magazine.

On Facebook, the actor, regularly ranked among the personalities favorite French, reacted to this story by sharing the statement of the SNCF with a pithy comment: "Never forget that the truth is elsewhere than on Closer and Sisters … "

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