NTM, Orelsan, Damso … Rap ​​in force for this 34th edition of the Francofolies


Until July 15, the La Rochelle festival continues to play the card of renewal with artists coming from hip-hop. According to Florence Jeux, its general and artistic director, wants the event to become the showcase for all French productions, with the artists who have marked the year,

Jeanne Added, Juliette Armanet, Jain, Julien Clerc, Véronique Sanson … Faithful to its reputation, the festival Les Francofolies is again fly with a programming geared towards French song for this 34th edition, from Wednesday to Sunday. This year, the organizers have also made the choice to open up even more their programming with artists from urban music, including hip-hop, with NTM, Orelsan, Damso or Eddy de Pretto.

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"The" Francos "want to be a family event and popular, which brings together all generations. For five-six years, there has been a lot of opening work in the art direction. We have adapted the program to what people are listening to, "explains Florence Jeux, General Director and Artistic Director.

Created in 1985 by Jean-Louis Foulquier, who was its director for twenty years, the Francofolies have long been the essential summer rendezvous of French song. Since 2004, headed by Gérard Pont, via his company Morgane, an opening to current music has been operated.

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« The reservoir of French song is exhausting and it also tires the public a bit. It has become more complicated to fill the festival only with Benabar, Zazie, etc. We must be the showcase for all French productions, with the artists who have marked the year, but also with those who will mark the next, "argues Florence Games.

As such the 2018 plateau looks very balanced and ticket sales give reason to the organizers, since three evenings on the stage Jean-Louis Foulquier are already complete. In this case, those of Thursday (Roméo Elvis, Damso, NTM), Friday (Lorenzo, Bigflo & Oli and Shaka Ponk) and Saturday (Eddy De Pretto, Jeanne Added, Jain, Orelsan) which give pride to the rap and to other current music.

For these artists, all massively listened to in streaming on internet and whose tours fill the rooms of the Hexagon without difficulty, the "Francos" had to be a stopover on their routes of the festivals . "Until recently, a few years ago, they had a rather dusty image of the festival. Today, it's changing. We are once again a festival that really counts, anchored in the news and that also does, "says Florence Games.

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A festival that continues to attract world, since 150,000 people (including 90,000 payers) attended in 2017. To do so well this year, "we try to do things we do not see elsewhere," said Florence Games. "We will organize musical documentaries every morning at the cinema, where the public will be able to meet the film crew. There will also be an exhibition by Albin de la Simone, who will be showing his drawings for the first time. "

Véronique Sanson and World Cup

" We are also trying to personalize the shows. Artists are offered to have guests, to do a little different things. They do not always want it because it requires investment, work upstream, repetitions not always easy to implement, "she continues. Reason why, there will be no creation this year. "There have been several refusals, recognizes Florence Games. It's always hard to ride. To approach a new repertoire, to appropriate it is complicated, it is a risk taking at the same time personal, media. "

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" But there will be Wednesday this great party to Veronique Sanson, which ultimately looks like a small creation, "she says. The singer will perform with several guests such as Alain Souchon, Jeanne Cherhal, Vianney, Tryo. But also and especially his former companion Stephen Stills and their son Christopher.

"It will be a real event, quite unexpected," says the director of the Francos. Stalled between the concerts of Raphael and Calogero, it is not yet complete. Ditto for the Sunday closing party with Juliette Armanet, Jane Birkin ("Gainsbourg Symphonique"), Brigitte and MC Solaar. That day, the World Cup-2018 will come to an end, with a final that could compete in France. A match before the concerts and retransmitted on giant screens. With a little luck, the party could be even crazier than expected.

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