Obama to celebrate Mandela and the rainbow dream – 16/07/2018


 Barack Obama, in December 2013 in Johannesburg, during the tribute ceremony to Nelson Mandela a few days after his death./ Photo AFP

Barack Obama, in December 2013 in Johannesburg, during the tribute ceremony to Nelson Mandela a few days after his death./ Photo AFP

South Africa is celebrating this week, with Barack Obama as star guest, the 100th anniversary of the birth of his hero and liberator Nelson Mandela. Incarnation of a still-unfinished "rainbow dream."

Five years after his death, "Madiba" has retained its status as a world icon for its fight against the racist regime of apartheid. His message of reconciliation allowed the country to turn the page by avoiding a bloodshed.

After former US President Bill Clinton, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates and former UN boss Kofi Annan , the first black head of state in the United States, will give Tuesday the annual tribute to Nelson Mandela. The culmination of several days of festivities

During a visit to South Africa in 2013, Barack Obama had long honored his "hero". "The fight here against apartheid and for freedom, the courage of Madiba, the historic transition of his country to a free and democratic nation have been a source of inspiration for me and the world," he said.

A year and a half after his departure from the White House, Barack Obama's eulogy is announced by his entourage as his most important speech since his political retirement.

"It will give him the opportunity to deliver a a message of tolerance, inclusion and democracy at a time when Mandela's legacy is being challenged around the world, "said his adviser Benjamin Rhodes. An allusion to the policy of Donald Trump, who has taken the systematic opposite of his predecessor, especially on immigration and Africa.

Waiting for the grand oral, all of South Africa has already Mandela, who would have turned 100 on Wednesday. Shows, exhibitions and sports competitions celebrate it. His smiling face illuminates new notes.

"Act, inspire change, make each day a Mandela Day," urges the slogan of the foundation that bears his name.

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