Omar Sy arrested for having treated a SNCF controller of "small b …": the railway company denies


The SCNF denied Closer's claims that Omar Sy was arrested in Paris on Wednesday after insulting an SNCF agent, calling him "a small boy."

The railway company spoke of "a little lively" exchanges, stating that the actor was able to continue his journey without incident.

According to the version presented by people magazine, which published this Thursday an article in which it maintains his assertions (evoking however a simple intervention of the police and not an interpellation), the actor was preparing to board a train at the Gare de Lyon, when the incident occurred. While he had seven bags with him, controllers reportedly told him that only three suitcases per person were allowed in the baggage storage areas. "There are other travelers," said the agents.

Omar Sy, who was with his wife Hélène and one of their sons, would have lost his temper after one of the controllers told him meant that he "could not embark on these conditions". Closer had claimed that the officer had called him "little boy", pushing him slightly so he could make his way aboard the car. After he was arrested

Contrary to the assertion of the SNCF agent, there is no restriction on the number of pieces of luggage on trains.

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