Open letter to Mr. Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea Conakry.


Silly, stunned, saddened.
Know Mr. Alpha condé that the Senegal of today is not honored by any official or unofficial visit of a President, a King, an emperor or a dictator was it Chinese, Turkish, French, American, Russian or Arabic from the East etc
But let us point out that our borders are entirely open to partners and all investors.
Be aware that all its authorities are scrambling to visit the great Senegalese republic defined as being an area of ​​natural influence par excellence because of its geo-strategic geographical position and enviable political stability, envied and legendary.
However, the incompetence, incapacity and claudicating leadership of the regime and the current political system symbolized by the blatant lack of surgical vision, the disconcerting lack of pragmatism and the structural and structural inconsistencies. striking, palpable and visible to the naked eye in the management and planning of public policies.
However, the fact remains that Senegal remains a very privileged choice destination of the greatest leaders, investors and influencers of international politics. In addition, it is necessary to remind this old bedridden and demagogue that the States our no friends, they have only their interests. This leads me to make clear to this old spiteful that if the Chinese President has come to Senegal, it is only to ask the current tenant of the palace of the avenue Roume his share of the cake in the "tong tong" international trade of natural, oil and gas resources belonging exclusively to Senegalese organized by the Faye-Sall dynasty.
However, this visceral hatred against our country does not have its reason for being, this peaceful people, of a legendary and contagious hospitality does not deserve your basely repugnant and unjustifiable lucubrations, your crises of angry anger, your catches impertinent positions, your stubborn and perennial grudges, inexplicable, even to the extreme unreasonable and unworthy of a human being endowed with sense and reason, a fortiori of a President of a Republic was it banana and a President in office leaving the African Union.
Thus, at the crossroads of paths and destinies, Senegal will remain, a great democracy, a secular republic, a showcase that will be cited as an example, strongly and fundamentally anchored in the sacrosanct principles of the multiplicity of opinions and of the plurality of the thoughts, of the freedom of undertaking whatever the inclinations and the envy of the current tenants of the power to want to violate and torpedo its irreversible democratic gains. This country, in which harmonious dialogue and national harmony live in all ethnic groups, confessions, races, languages, cultures and beliefs, were sometimes contradictory in their essence.
Unfortunately, Guinea Conakry is very rich in natural resources. In addition, it is a country with a very good rainfall so well served and spoiled by mother nature.
However, the aforementioned riches extracted from the basement of Guinea are sold shamefully to the profitards and big foreign crooks who come to exploit it to the detriment of the natives. I am bitterly disappointed by Professor A. Conde's negative and very subjective thinking, because once again you have missed the opportunity to keep quiet. When the word is silver, the silence is golden and I voluntarily add "set with diamond" admire the quotation marks. Please, go out the front door by renouncing a third legally legally anti-constitutional, politically unacceptable and destabilizing mandate, socially unsustainable, historically immoral and economically destructive.
Proud to be Pan-African,
Proud to be Senegalese,
Long live Africa,
Long live Senegal,
May Allah in His great and infinite mercy, bless and protect the Senegal and Africa.

Mr. Dame DIOP,
Expert in Aviation Safety and Security,
Specialized Lawyer in Business Law and Air Law.

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