Opening of the International Mining and Quarry Exhibition in Cotonou


The meeting, which ends on July 22, 2018, aims, according to its organizers, to promote Benin's numerous mineral, oil and quarry wealth and to "mobilize all stakeholders in the sectors concerned around the wealth of the sub-region. Beninese soil. "

The objective is to enable investors in the public and private sectors to have a clearer idea of ​​Africa's mineral and oil potential and to have up-to-date information to encourage investment and to promote the economic take-off of Africa

For Benin's Minister of Water and Mines, Samou Séidou Adambi, who opened the SALON, "extensive studies have shown that the regions of the East and the West of Benin are full of resources of all kinds. "

" Like other countries, the subsoil of Benin has considerable mining potential, quarries, oil and energy not yet m is in value industrially. And the government wants to build on this natural potential to realize its Action Program, "said Minister Adambi, deploring the unavailability of financial resources for the development of the country's mineral resources.

For its part, the Minister of Mines of Burkina Faso, Oumarou Idani emphasized the need to foster cooperation. According to him, the cross-border initiatives of mineral exploration are rare.

"Our exchanges of good practices are not numerous. We must realize that bilateral, sub-regional and inter-African cooperation is the best solution for the development of the mining sector in West Africa, "said the Burkina minister.

For three days, investors, decision makers, professionals, suppliers and experts from Africa and the world will debate several sub-themes, including "Mineral resources, sources of development of regions and territories", "The African vision", "The mine of tomorrow and the intelligent mine" .

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