Ouattara dissolves the government and wants a cabinet from Rhdp and civil society


APA-Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

Ivorian head of state Alassane Ouattara on Wednesday dissolved the government and reappointed Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly, asking him to form a new cabinet from the Rhdp, the ruling coalition and civil society, according to a decree .

"The President of the Republic puts an end to the functions of Amadou Gon Coulibaly, Prime Minister, Head of Government, as well as those of the members of the Government," said the Secretary General of the Presidency, Patrick Achi, in the face of cameras, at the Palace of the Presidency.

The Head of State "expresses his satisfaction to the outgoing Prime Minister and Ministers for their important contribution to the implementation of the Government's program and for their commitment to the service of the Nation", he added.

He asked the Prime Minister to "propose a government team consisting of personalities from the Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace (Rhdp) and civil society," he said.

"Pending the establishment of the new government, the members of the outgoing government are responsible for sending each one as far as it is concerned," he concluded.

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