Paris Jackson: do not say that Michael Jackson's daughter is bisexual


We saw her kiss Cara Delevingne, her latest girlfriend. Previously, he knew love stories with musician Michael Snoddy or footballer US Chester Castellaw. Can Paris Jackson be said to be bisexual? The daughter of Michael Jackson has just spoken on this essential question.

At first, she had fun responding on his Instagram account to the very direct question of a fan: "Are you bisexual" . "That's how you say it, so I guess so, but who needs the label? She said.

"Do not stick to etiquette"

Except that the little word then went around the people's gazettes under loud headlines, such as "Paris Jackson comes out bisexual" as if the information was new. So, as any modern starlet must, she has taken over her Instagram account to make her personal correction.

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<p><i> The details of PJ / Story @parisjackson </i></p>
<p> "I came out when I was 14 years old!" Says in a first message the young woman of 20 years, recently seen on a spree in Rennes "I have already publicly talked about the LGBT + community as mine I talked about my love for girls in my interview for Rolling Stone There are pictures of me kissing girls on the internet Why are people saying today that it is information? "she questions </p>
<p> On a second photo, the young woman adds:" And I am not bisexual.I just like people for what they are. do not label me, so please do not stick to me. thank you! "It's better when I say it. </p>
<p> <b> READ ALSO> </b> When Paris Hilton poses with Paris Jackson </p>
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