Patrick Strzoda clarifies the function of Alexandre Benalla indicated on his business card


ALEXANDRE BENALLA – The more revelations accumulate around Alexandre Benalla, the more paradoxically his role at the Élysée becomes obscure. In charge of the mission, in charge of security, of all the public or private displacements of the president … one thing is certain: he held an important place in the entourage of the head of the State.

One element leaves him to think: the business card of Alexander Benalla, broadcast in the media and which reads that the young man of 26 years was "assistant to the chief of staff of the President of the Republic". The Elysee confirmed to BFMTV that this map was authentic, and that it was made by the services of the presidential palace.

If BFMTV indicates that the post does not exist, the reality is a little more nuanced, as explained by Emmanuel Macron's chief of staff, Patrick Strzoda, auditioned this Tuesday, July 24 by the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly in the Benalla case.

The senior official said that the chief of staff of the Elysee had with him an assistant chief of staff, making the subject of an appointment published in the Official Journal. This post is currently occupied by Rodrigue Furcy, sub-prefect.

If the name of Alexander Benalla does not appear, he, in the Official Journal, as denounced the opposition to question the reality of his post it's because he's assistant to the chief of staff. A role still different from that of deputy chief. The assistant to the chief of staff is under the authority of the chief of staff and deputy chief, explained Patrick Strzoda, as you can see in the video above . [19659002] Missions "important" but no role of management

Patrick Strzoda also specified the tasks entrusted to Alexandre Benalla. His role is first, in his view, to "ensure the coordination of all services that contribute to the travel of the Head of State". "It is necessary that many services are mobilized so that a ministerial or presidential move takes place in a fluid way", explained the director of cabinet of the president.

Patrick Strzoda wished to specify that Alexander Benalla "was not not the director of the security services ", that he" was not the person responsible for the services for which he is responsible for coordinating ". Several press reports have indicated in recent days that the former collaborator was responsible for leading a new security system around Macron.

Alexander Benalla had another mission: "he was in charge of the organization of the program of welcome of the personalities invited to the procession of 14-July "on the place of the Concorde, added Patrick Strzoda. "This is an extremely important mission, which requires preparatory meetings and a field presence on the 14th of July," he said. Alexandre Benalla's third mission was to organize the President's private travels

For Patrick Strzoda, these functions justified the means at the disposal of Alexandre Benalla. "It was neither privileges nor benefits," he said, referring in particular to the car that had the employee of the Elysee. BFMTV revealed Friday that its vehicle was equipped with devices normally reserved for police officers, including lighting systems. This car "was not a company car", it was "integrated into the presidential motorcade" and had "special equipment installed by the garage of the Elysee", said Patrick Strzoda.

Patrick Strzoda said he took "alone, in (his) soul and conscience" the decision to punish Alexandre Benalla by suspending him 15 days and downgrading him, after knowing the facts of the 1st may. "I fully understand that it can be considered that (this sanction) was not adapted, in any case in my case I take my decision," he said.

The Secretary General of the Élysée Alexis Koehler will answer for his part Thursday to questions senators

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