PND 2018-2022: the government and the United Nations agree on priority areas for action


The meeting between the Minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration, Ingrid Olga Ebouka Babackas, with the agencies of the United Nations system in the Congo, follows the adoption, recently by the government, the new National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2022.

Through this meeting, the government wanted to have the best understanding of this strategic document by its partners, but also get a clear idea of ​​the axes of intervention or flagship projects that the United Nations entered into the implementation of this development plan.

After this exchange held behind closed doors, the Minister of Planning and Statistics expressed satisfaction with priority axes retained by the United Nations, without enumerating them.

"We would like to understand how the United Nations system will accompany the Congo to achieve the various objectives that are set s within PND, which is also a contextualisation of the SDGs. That is to say, the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, which we have transposed in our programmatic framework of the actions of the government for the next five years ", underlined the Minister of the Plan, Ingrid Olga Ebouka Babackas.

The new PND, stressed the coordinator of UN agencies in the Congo, Antony Ohemeg Boamah, also incorporates the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the Congo is working to put in the short term, which are part of the United Nations 2030.

"The Congo has just adopted its National Development Plan, as a United Nations system, we support its implementation. artwork. The UN member countries have adopted the SDGs, Congo's NDP reflects its objectives, according to the resources we have, we will support its effective implementation to help the Congo achieve its SDGs ", said Antony Ohemeg Boamah

The SDGs aim, among other things, to eradicate poverty and hunger, by ensuring a reliable food policy through the promotion of sustainable agriculture, good health and the promotion of well-being for everyone. Added to this is the desire to ensure access for all to quality education on an equal footing; Promoting learning opportunities and ensuring gender equality.

Minister for Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration Ingrid Olga Ebouka Babackas, on 12 July in Brazzaville, discussed with agencies of the UN system in Congo,

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