Presidential election in Mali: supporters in both camps shout victory in Montreuil


In Montreuil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, one of the cities of the Hexagon where we meet the most Malians, we already cried victory in the Paris headquarters of the two main candidates for the presidential election at the Mali, Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (IBK), the incumbent president, and his challenger Soumaïla Cissé

As the premises of the two field teams are located in the same modern and worn-out building (at numbers 15 and 17) of the Place du General-de-Gaulle, the militants of both sides have all the leisure to spy on each other. "We hear what they say, so they too must hear us! "Amuse a supporter of IBK in the local decorated with a huge flag in the colors of Mali.

Where we no longer kidding, it is on the results (not final, they will be officialized by Friday ) of the first round of the election held on Sunday. "Even in his electoral stronghold in the north of Mali, Soumaïla is very far behind our candidate! Bakary Camara, director of the Ile-de-France campaign for the pro-IBK

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<p><i> HQ in Montreuil , pro-IBK, Monday LP / Jean Nicholas Guillo </i></p>
<p> "In Sikasso also we are in the lead, but this city has always voted in the first round for the one who finally wins the presidential", rejoices already Djenaba Keïta, in The French-Malian deputy mayor of Montreuil is actively campaigning for IBK who is none other than his uncle. </p>
<h2 class= "It's a North Korean score"

In the camp of face, we also draw results unclean mass equally unverifiable. "Abroad we crush Keita, and in Mali, Soumaïla comes first in most regions," says Baidy Dramé, the coordinator in Ile-de-France Cissé.

"Of the 35 offices in Montreuil we are leading on 32, it is a North Korean score And in Bamako we can be in the lead but the government is organizing a holdup. I do not know by what magic the president could go out in front, "asserts his accomplice Baily Dramé.

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<p><i> In the HQ of the supporters of Soumaïla Cissé, LP / Jean Nicholas Guillo </i></p>
<p> "In Ile-de-France the trend is very close, with an advantage to Soumeïla," admits pro-IBK Bakary Camara, a muffled way of recognizing the defeat of the outgoing president with the Malian diaspora. </p>
<h2 class= "The power has gone to his head!"

A few blocks away, the Bara Street workers' home buzzes like a hive, with six to seven hundred occupants The premises are as old as in Bamako's popular neighborhoods, and grilled maize, peanuts, silver bracelets, or anvils are sold in the courtyard.Three young people sitting on concrete posts say they have not received their cards. of voters, another d it is interested only "in football and not at all in politics."

In Bara, the judgment is sometimes harsh on the outgoing president. "It's like your Benalla, the power has gone to his head! Says Karim Framé, dean of the home with his lion's mane and white beard. "The people there are tired and the Malian soldiers are killing the Peuls. And then it is not IBK who directs but his son Karim and his friends, "sighs a cantinière, giving up his stove for a while.

An active member of the RPM campaign, IBK's party, Wakary Doucouré, keeps cool head: "Yes, Soumeïla will do a lot of voices here, but we do not care: we are ahead in Mali and we will win in the second round (Editor's note: on August 12 ). "

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