Presidential election in sight of Cameroonian newspapers


According to the count of the daily newspaper, Cameroon Tribune, on the evening of July 16, 2018, that is to say six days after the convening of the electorate, a total of six candidacy files have already been submitted. was filed with Elections Cameroon (Elecam), the body in charge of polls and referendum operations.

At 48 hours from the deadline for filing applications, a report in the Daily on the Economy describes a studious atmosphere within This institution, as well as the fever that rises in the various staffs of the competitors.

This craze is however to relativize, to believe The Day for which the bond required of 30 million FCFA demotivates several candidates packed with ambitions, wishing to serve their country but not having such a fortune.

And here it is the opposition that proves already, mutations adds, as the big loser of the game: penniless for the most future opponents of incumbent President Paul Biya are also unable to form a common front for a single-round election, and at a time when everything indicates that coalition hopes are dwindling.

The absence of a dynamic against the outgoing head of state is indeed a blemish, acquiesces Current Challenges which reviews the "strengths and weaknesses" of postulants

"For 35 years, Paul Biya has been in business. Despite him. Since 1990, the year marking the return to multiparty politics in Cameroon, the opposition has been walking on the toes. Unable to meet. Unable to offer Cameroonians a dignified and healthy alternative to the top of the state. Easier to criticize the government, it shines with a lamentable cacophony and deplorable for the small people, "says Le Point Hebdo under the title" The damage of a casual opposition. "

Quoted by the weekly Le Jeune Reporter Cabral Libii , one of the postulants to the highest office, does not lose hope: he continues to believe in a possibility of primaries to give himself a unique candidate, an option that the candidate invested by the Democratic Social Front (SDF), Joshua Osih, questioned by Mutations, does not consider it essential to win the presidential election.

With this cacophony, a boulevard is already open to Paul Biya, presented by L'Orphelin as the "favorite".

In this new race for a 7 th term, and after 36 years of undivided rule, the champion of the Democratic Rally of the Cameroonian People (CPDM, in power) may, according to The Guardian Post, count on the zeal of his lieutenants who are preparing to launch a vast campaign fundraising campaign that no one in politics or business should miss.

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