Presidential elections in Mali: signs that do not deceive!


The reception given to the candidate President, Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita (IBK), in the northern regions of Mali is indicative of a surprise in the results of the polls on July 29 in these different localities.

The week was long and full of revelation in the northern regions of the country for the presidential candidate for the presidency of the Republic. It was a crusade that finally turned into a night of honey between IBK and its guests.

First in the city of his wife, Gao, IBK was welcomed with open arms and as the hero of peace, security and national reconciliation. He also received 3 imams chosen by their peers who awarded him a cap and a Jallabah, a symbol of power. In Timbuktu, the candidate President also received the blessings and the accompaniment of the faithful Moslems. For those who know this historic and conservative city, the choice of notables and religious leaders is difficult to revoke by the population.

In the city of Kidal where he had never set foot during the 5 years of his mandate, IBK seems to regain the respect of the population. The leaders of the armed groups who had been hostile to its management, through their radical positions during the meetings of the Agreement Monitoring Committee (CSA) and their unfavorable positions for the holding of the referendum, were finally won over. its cause. A real turnaround that still arranges the candidate President.

Upon his arrival in Kidal, IBK was received by Mohamed Ag Intalla, the Amenokal of the city, Bilal Ag Achérif, president of the Coordination of the movements of the Azawad (CMA), and Alghabass Ag intalla, secretary general of the High Council for the Azawad Unit (HCUA). Throughout his visit to this region, his procession benefited from a good escort of the CMA fighters. His visit to the cemetery where the late Intalla Ag Attaher, the former Amenokal, rests, seduced all the city's notables.

During a conference of executives of the Regional Council of the city, Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita, considered by the population of the city as "man of peace, who has always worked for the unity of Mali", was faced with a flag of the MNLA, the ex-Tuareg rebellion separatist. In the same room and on another banner, the tribal leaders of the Adrar des Ifoghas welcome him. None of this made the visitor of the day react negatively. Before leaving his hosts, IBK promised the city of Kidal an international airport and a hospital of regional level.

This tour in these difficult areas of which all the armed groups have not yet fully registered in the principle of the unity of the country, can only be a nice political blow for the outgoing President. For most political observers already saw a complete break between him and the populations of the north where he visited very rarely during his five-year period.


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