Presidents of China and Senegal commit to the future of bilateral relations


Chinese President Xi Jinping and Senegalese President Macky Sall spoke in Dakar on Saturday, promising to create a better future for Sino-Senegalese relations.

The two leaders welcomed the development of bilateral relations during in recent years and have agreed to continue to combine their efforts and to promote even more fruitful results through cooperation in different fields.

M. Xi arrived Saturday in the Senegalese capital, beginning the first state visit of a Chinese president in that West African country for nine years.

During the meeting with his host, Xi Xi thanked the Government and the Senegalese people for their hospitality and warm welcome which, in their view, demonstrated Senegal's support for Sino-Senegalese friendship.

Recalling their joint decision to forge a comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership between the two In 2016, Xi said that, thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, Sino-Senegalese relations have been accelerated with growing mutual political trust and concrete economic and trade cooperation.

China is ready to partner with Senegal to bring bilateral relations and cooperation to a higher level, in order to bring greater benefits to both peoples, Mr. Xi.

The Chinese President expressed his satisfaction that Mr. Sall considers bilateral relations with a strategic approach. It has indeed given a positive response to the "Belt and Road" initiative and strong support for China-Africa cooperation.

The two sides are expected to engage in closer, high-level exchanges and Mutual support on issues related to their fundamental interests and major concerns, Xi said.

Noting that the two countries should strengthen the coordination of their development and political communication strategies, Xi welcomed the Senegal signed a "Belt and Road" cooperation document, the first of its kind with a West African country

We hope to seize this opportunity to improve cooperation in a global manner Sino-Senegalese, he said.

China will continue to defend the approach of "teaching a man to fish", to broaden and deepen cooperation with Senegal, and to strengthen its capacity for independent development, Xi said.

He called on both countries to promote exchanges and mutual understanding between their peoples.

The two sides should strengthen their cooperation on Law enforcement and security, Xi said, adding that China supports Senegal in strengthening its capacity to fight terrorism, maintain peace and safeguard stability.

China supports Senegal in its increased role in global and regional affairs, and wishes to strengthen communication and coordination with Senegal on major international and regional issues such as peace and security in Africa, the United Nations and climate change , so as to preserve the common interests of Africa and the developing countries, said the Chinese President.

Recalling the great he attached importance to the Sino-African relations, Mr. Xi assured to have at heart the long-term friendship between China and Africa, as well as their common future in good times as in bad ones.

The two sides are sincere partners on their path of development and natural allies in international affairs, Xi said, adding that China's development should bring more opportunities to Africa, while China will continue to follow its African policy characterized by sincerity, concrete results, affinities and good faith, to defend justice, to pursue common interests and to promote the development of China.

to promote the building of a closer Sino-African community, oriented towards a shared future, so as to foster mutually beneficial cooperation and common development, said Mr. Xi.

In September, China will hold a summit of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum (ASCF) in Beijing, Xi said, saying he looks forward to meeting African leaders, including President Sall, to discuss major issues in the calendar of China-Africa cooperation.

M. Sall, for his part, thanked President Xi for visiting Senegal as part of his first foreign tour since his re-election, saying it was an honor for the Senegalese people.

Welcoming China's immense contribution to the progress of humanity through history, Sall assured that China today played an even more important role in international affairs.

Senegal, President Sall said admires China's development achievements and thanks Beijing's support for Senegal's economy and social development and the implementation of its revitalization plan

"China-Senegal Relations are excellent, they are friendly because they are based on solidarity and respect as well as mutual trust.We work in the dialogue for consensual and mutually beneficial cooperation China is a major and reliable partner, "added the Senegalese head of state.

He reaffirmed on this occasion that Senegal adhered firmly to the policy of one China, committed to deepen the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership with China, and stood ready to improve cooperation in areas such as infrastructure construction, water conservation, industrialization, agro-processing, tourism, culture and sport

M. Sall pledged Senegal's full support for strengthening the ASCF, deepening cooperation between China and Africa and establishing a shared China-Africa community of futures, recalling that the Forum on Sino-African cooperation was a cooperative framework of inclusivity, efficiency and solidarity based on practical cooperation.

According to President Sall, his country is ready to strengthen its communication and coordinating with China in multilateral affairs and working with China to build a more balanced, just and inclusive system of global governance, preserve multilateralism and oppose protectionism.

President Xi was awarded this occasion the dignity of Grand Cross of the National Order of the Lion by President Sall. It is the most prestigious distinction of Senegal.

The two leaders witnessed the signing of several cooperation documents, including the joint development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Senegal is the second leg of Xi Jinping's first foreign tour since being re-elected in March. He concluded his state visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday and will then travel to Rwanda and South Africa, where he will attend the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, and visit the Republic of Mauritius on the occasion of a stopover

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