PROCESS OF PUTSCH LACKED: Adjutant Jean Florent Nion partially acknowledges the facts


 PROCESS OF PUTSCH LACKED: Adjutant Jean Florent Nion partially acknowledges the facts

The hearing of the adjutant Jean Florent Akowè Nion has mainly occupied military prosecutor's office, court, lawyers of the civil party and the defense , from 9h to 13h, in the banquet hall of Ouaga 2000. Unlike the military accused who denied the facts they blamed, the adjutant Jean Florent Akowè Nion remained constant and faithful to his remarks during the instruction and preliminary investigations. He said his truth in what happened on September 16, 2015, acknowledged the facts, forging the admiration of the prosecution, the civil party and the defense.

The accused's hearings on the side of the banquet hall of Ouaga 2000 began on the morning of July 3, when Ousseni Fayçal Nanéma's application for provisional release was heard in court. The applicant, who has always asked for his provisional release, told the story of the ups and downs that made him unable to obtain his medical certificate so far. For the military prosecutor's office, in the absence of the medical certificate, the request for provisional release of the accused is untimely and lacks a legal basis, especially since the arguments on the merits have begun in the case of the failed putsch September 2015. The response to this request should be known this Wednesday, according to the confidences of the president of the court. When Jean Florent Nion arrived at the bar, the charges were recalled by the president of the court: attack on state security, murder, incitement to commit acts contrary to the rules and discipline, beatings and voluntary injuries. "Do you recognize the facts? asked the president of the court. "Yes partially", in response to the accused who indicated that he was on duty on September 15 for 48 hours and was scheduled to leave custody on September 17, 2015. According to his allegations, it was Major Eloi Badiel and Roger Koussoubé who gave him the information that General Gilbert Diendéré instructed to make a coup d'etat. "I was scared; it was necessary to decide on the spot " confided the adjutant who said then to have sent a text to the General who said essentially: " The last time, you promised to call me back, … without after. This time, it's serious. " The General would have told him in reply that he was at home. The adjutant who was assigned to guard the head of state, said he had been to see the General to verify the information and he received it. When he asked him, the General, in response, asked if it was not done yet. It was after this that the adjutant went to tell Major Badiel that "the information seems reliable, the Grand is aware." Later, when a vehicle came to park in front of his office, it was so that it embarks in direction of the room of the Council of Ministers. He claimed that Chief Warrant Officer Moussa Nébié asked him to enter the Council Chamber. To bring the President of the Transition, Michel Kafando, the Chief Warrant Officer would have told him: "We are attacked, we take you to a safe place." Then followed the then Prime Minister, Yacouba Isaac Zida. Jean Florent Nion confides that he was then asked to challenge the ministers Loada and later René Bagoro. What he did, even though he did not know them before joining his post. These authorities were taken to the palace, the residence of the head of state. After this testimony, the military prosecutor did not fail to praise Warrant Officer Nion who, according to the prosecutor's office, said and assumed his remarks in commission rogatory with the gendarmes and during the investigation with the judge. "To which body do you belong? wanted to know one of the prosecutors. "The grouping of the special unit" said Warrant Officer Nion. And the judge to ask again: "What are the attributions of the Grouping of the special unit? " " Protection of the Head of State " replied Warrant Officer Nion. When you said to the General "this time it's serious" that assumes there was a history. What do you think ? At this question from the prosecutor, the adjutant Nion said that the military is silent, hence the expression "the great mute" and considered that it is necessary that the military leaders come for they talk about it. But, later, he confided that there were precedents in the sense that the former Prime Minister Yacouba Isaac Zida (member of the former RSP) created the division within the RSP, infiltrated the body of the RSP with young people without numbers of the RSP that it has instrumentalised, equipped with vehicles of last series and money. "Why did you not inform Captain Abdoulaye Dao, head of the Special Unit Group or corps commander, when Major Badiel and Chief Warrant Officer Koussoubé Roger informed you that to make a coup " insisted the magistrate? "I could not do it" responded the adjutant. The interrogation continues in these terms, with a relaxed chief warrant officer: "Did you execute orders or act of authority? "I'm exposing the facts, it's up to you to analyze" he said in response. He confided to having, at the crossroads of the television "BF1" fired gusts in the air to disperse the people, but did not carry any weapon when he had gone to the hotel Laïco for to meet the precursors of the Senegalese President, Macky Sall

A beginning of relief for the civil party?

Me Blaise Paradié, a defense lawyer, asked the accused what motivated him when the General told him to have instructed the shot. "I had no choice but to return to the camp and give the message" he replied. "Why did not you report to your authorities, the Chief of Staff of the Presidency, Captain Dao? To this question of the prosecutor's office, counsel for the accused, Me Adrien Nion, responded by indicating that the court is not seized of the dysfunction of the RSP and these questions are not related to the facts reproached to his client. Some civil party lawyers, such as Mr. Prosper Farama, Guy Hervé Kam, like the military prosecutor, admired the frankness of Adjutant Nion who remained consistent, in their eyes. For Me Kam, when we listen to Warrant Officer Nion, we remember two things: a man who assumes with honor and a beginning of relief for the civil party to see a man who says what he did. He expressed concern for Warrant Officer Nion and felt that special provisions may be needed to ensure that the trial can proceed with the same determination to tell the truth. For Mathieu Somé, General Diendéré's lawyer, he was no longer a chef in the RSP, and wondered how he could then give instructions. For the prosecutor's office, even if the General had no responsibility in the RSP, this body remains his home body and rallies, it was to him that the military honors were rendered. To find a solution to the crisis that the RSP was going through, the military met General Pingrenoma Zagré, the former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, who informed them that the problems went beyond him. The President of the Transition, seized, made promises that were not followed by acts, except that he replaced the then Minister of Security, Auguste Denise Barry, by a man to the taste of members of the RSP. A meeting was held with the sages, for this purpose, namely religious, Catholic, Protestant and Muslim, the former President Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo and General Diendéré who introduced the exchanges, according to Adjutant Nion. Asked about the conclusions of the meeting, he said he did not know anything about it. It was around 1 pm that the president of the court suspended the hearing for 1h 30 minutes. In addition to Private Jean Florent Nion, Corporal Sami Dah, a member of the Special Forces Group (GUS) of the former RSP, was called to the helm. He is charged, approximately, with the same charges as the other defendants in this trial. " Do you recognize the facts you are accused of? ," questioned the president of the court, Seidou Ouedraogo. " No, I do not acknowledge the facts with which I am charged," Corporal Sami Dah responded. On September 16, 2015, he was in a house of the former First Lady without naming, located in the Koulouba neighborhood of Ouagadougou, when Sergeant Chief Roger Koussoubé called him to tell him to go quickly to the palace. Once in the palace, he saw parked vehicles already on the move. A voice called him, asking him to leave his motorcycle and go on board for the presidency. He then boarded one of the vehicles to go to the Presidency. He says he stayed in front of the door. Despite the multiple questions of the judge, lawyers of the civil party, he denied entering the room of the Council of Ministers. Nevertheless, he admitted to having been at the Conseil de l'entente, precisely at the home of General Diendéré. There, he confided, the General went out to board one of the cars and they went to Naaba Koom 2 camp. It was after this stage that his superiors asked him to ensure the security of the General Diendéré. What he did until the day of his arrest, September 20, 2015. " You ensured the safety of Diendéré as that ? Asked Mr. Yanogo, a lawyer for the civil party. It was enough for Corporal Sami Dah to be on his nerves again, going so far as to directly challenge the lawyer who asked him the question. Taken aback, his lawyer, Arnaud Sampebré, was obliged to tell him in a whisper that it is not allowed to directly call a lawyer since he represents one of the parties. Faced with this situation, the president of the court was obliged to suspend the examination to allow the lawyer and the accused to consult each other.

Lonsani SANOGO and Issa SIGUIRE

Lawyers for the defense and the civil party express themselves

Me Farama

"We are already in the logic of the revelation of truth "

" We knew that of the 80 accused, there would be people who would be in denial and people who would be in the sense of the truth and that is what started today. We are already in the logic of the revelation of the truth. What Sgt. Naon has said since this morning puts something reassuring on the way. (…) The defense will not be able to speak with one voice because not everyone has the same responsibility and it is obvious that not everyone is ready to assume the same. As we move forward, it is certain that some of them will take their actions, and others will deny them. But obviously, as we move forward, we see those who speak the truth and those who try to lie. It will be possible to draw the consequences of all the remarks that everyone will have to make before the jurisdiction and at the end, the final consequences will be drawn by the jurisdiction, according to the penalties that will be granted or the acquittals which will be pronounced. In the context in which we find ourselves, it is not obvious, for an element of the RSP, to come to the bar and say clearly and clearly, things that involve his former comrades.

Me Arnaud Sampebré, defense lawyer

"The minutes which have been drawn up are valid only as mere information" [19659004] "(…) I felt that he was questioning a colleague of the civil party. I told him that under the rules of our profession, we do not call a lawyer directly because he is only representing a party. He is not part of the trial. We do not speak directly to him as a lawyer, but the person he represents. You have seen the pace that the interrogation has taken. The plaintiff felt offended because she did not hear what she wanted to hear. They threw flowers at the one who came before him, because he said things that they wanted to hear while we are here to tell the truth and not to please someone. (…) In any case, the minutes that have been drawn up are valid only as mere information. It is before the bar that everything will be said and discussed in a contradictory way. The floor has the record for almost 3 years. They had time to put the file in order and to gather their elements. Let them take out the elements. They do not have to settle for confessions. Let them take out the items and we will discuss them. "

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