Putin promises to respond proportionately to NATO decisions


Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia will respond in a proportionate manner to the decisions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that directly threaten it.

Russia will also resist expansionist attempts to NATO, including the inclusion of Georgia and Ukraine, neighbors of Russia, in the "alliance's military orbit", led by the United States, said Putin at a meeting conference of Russian ambassadors.

"The possible consequences of such irresponsible policies have to be considered."

Russia and NATO need a new positive agenda, of which the goal is to "find common ground" rather than confrontation, Putin said.

"To ensure security and stability in Europe, the key is precisely to strengthen cooperation and restore confidence, not to see NATO deploy new bases and building military infrastructure near Russia's borders, as is the case today, "Putin said.

Moscow has regularly accused NATO of expanding its military presence in Europe. Is, in particular by increasing the military contingents in the Baltic countries, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, using as a pretext the fears provoked by a possible Russian aggression.

Russia also regrets that NATO is actively improving its Transport infrastructure and deploying missile defense systems in the region.

Earlier this month, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference that the alliance continues to prepare Ukraine and Georgia for membership of NATO.

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