Realization of the Praia-Dakar Corridor: Stakeholders develop a roadmap


ECOWAS ministers and infrastructure experts met for three days in Dakar to review the development of the Praia-Dakar-Abidjan corridor and develop a roadmap for the next stage. [19659002TheEconomicCommunityofWestAfricanStates(ECOWAS)wantstomakethefreemovementofgoodsandpeopleakeyelementofitspolicytopromoteeconomicdevelopmentinitsareaTothisendtheHeadsofStategavemandatetothecommissionofthisorganizationtoinitiateadevelopmentprojectofthePraia-Dakar-Abidjancorridor"Thisisanimportantprojectthatwillboosttheeconomyofthesub-region"saidPathéGuèyeCommissionerforInfrastructureatECOWASatthethirdmeetingofministersandexpertsofroadinfrastructureundertheproject
The purpose of this meeting, which ended yesterday, was to examine all the components of this program and to define the road map for its implementation.
The Heads of State of the United States West Africa had signed in June 2017 the treaty establishing this corridor. The mission of the project was to build a 3,500 km highway that will connect Dakar to Abidjan, develop a railway network along the corridor and create a maritime line between Praia and Dakar, but also make a plan. director who will make the highway project a development zone to promote industry, economic development and contribute to the fight against poverty.
The program concerns eight countries, including Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry , Sierra Leone, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Gambia and Senegal. For its part, the State of Senegal has already made a motorway to Mbour, and another section that must go from Mbour to Kaolack is underway. "We will continue to make efforts and train our immediate neighbors, including The Gambia with the Farafegny Bridge underway, which will link Dakar to Ziguinchor. This is an important milestone that is part of the opening up of the continent, "said Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo, Minister of Infrastructure, Land Transport and Disenclo.
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