Regional Elections, Rhdp: Another candidate stands out Bouak and takes a stand on the unified party


About 70 Secretary Generals of Pdci-Rda section from the 4 delegations of Bouak responded, this Sunday, July 15, 2018, the invitation of the Vice-President of this party, Jacques Mangoua Koffi Saraka. This meeting, which took place at the home Jeune Viateur de Bouak, was an opportunity for this close collaborator of President Henri Konan Bdi to bring strong messages to the militants who make up the base.

The meeting's schedule, Mr. Jacques Mangoua was clear. It is for him to send a strong message to the section secretaries on the political situation of their party, the Pdci, in relation to the unified party, but also to present his candidacy the presidency of the Regional Council of the Gbk. I was chosen in 2013 to be the head of the Pdci-Rda list at the Regional Council. But, for problems of administrative documents, I had recal. This time, I come back to confirm my candidacy for this post, said the vice-president of the Pdci-Rda.

The former executive of the caf-cocoa sector under the regime of Laurent Gbagbo n ' The back of the spoon is not there to announce that it is the candidate of the hour to make the Pdci-Rda win these local contests for the region. I came to win the Pdci- Rda these elections, said the native of Bodokro.

On the issue of the unified party, Mangoua Jacques could not be clearer. The Pdci-Rda can not become a new party if it is not dissolved. One can never dissolve the Pdci-Rda, because it is from the Pdci that left the other political parties of Cte d'Ivoire, to hammered Mangoua Jacques vis-a-vis the general secretary of section.

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