Release of two journalists after four days of detention in the DRC


Two Congolese journalists were released early Friday after four days of "arbitrary detention" by a Kinshasa prosecutor's office, according to an official of their television channel.

"Yolande Kusaya and Cédrick Kidimbu are released. No charges are brought against them by the prosecutor of Kinkole ", a village on the outskirts of Kinshasa, told AFP Kaly Kalonda, coordinator of Radio Lisanga Television (RLTV).

" I went pick them up in Kinkole. They have regained their respective residences free, "he added.

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Two journalists detained for four days in a prison dungeon of Kinkole prosecutor's office … http: // …

13:49 – 20 Jul 2018
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In the midday, the Congolese organization for the defense of the press Journalist in JED called for the "immediate release" of these two journalists from RLTV, a channel broadcasting in Kinshasa.

Yolande Kusaya and Cédrick Kidimbu were arrested Tuesday during a report on a land dispute in Kinkole, involving the bourgmestre of N'Sele (district) reportedly made death threats against an inhabitant, according to television coordinator Kaly Kalonda.

The burgomaster of N'Sele, who understands Kinkole, denied any involvement in this case, according to JED.

A trainee who The Accused was released "unconditionally" Wednesday after having been for a long time

"The magistrate initially blamed them for lack of quality to practice as journalists. But since Wednesday, the magistrate demands the diffusion of a denial for an information which has never been diffused "by our television, had said Mr. Kalonda.

The DRC occupies the 154th place on 180 in the edition 2017 of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) press freedom ranking.

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