Rocio Molina, pregnancy danced on stage


Avignon – She is the most daring flamenco dancer of her generation. But at the Avignon Festival, the Spanish Rocio Molina tried an even more radical experience: dancing on a pregnant stage.

In his country, the press described as " revolutionary ", even iconoclastic the style of this bailaora from Malaga because of his hip-hop inspirations, men's costumes and more gestures. she brings to this still conservative art.

One of the few bailaoras to claim to be a lesbian, she decided to make a child alone through artificial insemination on March 28, and it is almost four months pregnant that she presented her show " Grito pelao "(Scorned cry) in Avignon.

– " Measured Zapateado " –

" It did not come from an idea but from a necessity and a desire (to have a child). And I could not stop dancing even though I was trying to get pregnant "says the 33-year-old dancer at AFP.

While a large majority of dancers, all disciplines, stop dancing at the time of pregnancy, Rocio Molina rolls on the ground, carries her mother -present with her on stage– on the back, and arches non-stop.

And above all, it makes " zapateado " (these emblematic flamenco strikes) quite marked during the show which lasts two hours, marked by several breaks.

In fact, " the zapateado is very measured " in this show, smiles Rocio, known for his virtuosity on stage, in line with great stars of flamenco like Israel Galvan or Antonio Canales.

" I changed the technique because before I jumped a lot and here there is no jump so that the fetus does not suffer ", she adds. " I experience a lot more with the body, the arms ".

The one that the international press has described as one of the best flamenco dancers in the world says she is more than ever listening to her body.

At the end of the show, she does it almost literally. " I'm going to sing you a love song ," she says.

Then she takes hold of a kind of portable ultrasound machine, she makes us listen to the heartbeat of her daughter who will be born in December. It was not clear if it was a recording but the sound that echoed in the yard certainly made the effect in the audience.

" I transform my dance as my body is transformed ", ensures the bailaora which shows at 17 weeks a small round belly.

" Energy is the first thing that changes and the (show) time is slower ," says Rocio,

" I can not seem to move as he must ", she jokes at one point of the show.

With shows that deconstruct norms of the genre – she wears male ensembles instead of traditional dresses – she argues that there is no political message, even if it's a show " where the word is clearly given to the woman ".

– " When Life Appears " –

At his side, his mother Lola Cruz, who accompanies him with some dance steps on stage and the Catalan singer Silvia Pérez Cruz.

" People are moved not only by pregnancy (on stage) but by the affection and sensitivity that binds the three generations (the mother, the daughter and the unborn baby) " says Rocio.

" Grito pelao " will be touring Spanish cities before returning to the Théâtre de Chaillot in Paris in October – she will be 7 months pregnant – where she has been an associate artist since 2014. [19659003] Dance is essentially an ephemeral art but in this case, it is even more so in " Grito pelao ": the show will stop at its seventh month of pregnancy.

" Our intention was this romantic idea, and we wanted the work to stop when life came ," says the bailaora.

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