Schools: the public 3 times more charged than the private one! – Consonews


997 369. This is the number of students enrolled in the private system in Morocco. This is one of the figures presented by Sa'id Amzazi, Minister of Education at the 14th ordinary session of the Higher Council of Education, Training and Scientific Research, which is held on July 16 and 17 in Rabat,

This figure represents more than 14% of the total number of students, or 6 percentage points of the official target of the 20% market share for the private sector.

The public system nevertheless remains very widely majority with more than 6,033,986 students and a market share of 86%.

It is clear in terms of schools, the private sector represents almost half of the number of public institutions: 10,905 schools for these against 5.380 private. Private schools thus capture a market share of 33% in purely construction terms.

This disproportion between the two human and logistical criteria brings out a phenomenon of overload in the public which will make "the good reputation" of the private

Thus, the calculation shows a ratio of 553.32 students per school in the public against 185.38 in the private sector.

In other words, public schools are about 3 times more satisfied than students. private schools.

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