Season 3 "Pod and Marichou": Dudu makes Videos gives a clue on the release date


GALSEN221 – On his Instagram page, comedian Dudu, also an actor in the hit series "Pod and Marichou", invited his fans to ask him questions that he answered. And one of them, quite relevant, concerned the release date of the third season of the TV movie.

Far from doing in the wood tongue, "Dudu makes videos" replied to his fan. And, he has, in passing, given a small clue to Internet users and viewers who stamp their heads with impatience. Indeed, if it did not give any precise date, the Youtubeur made it known that this will be done before the end of the holidays, thus of the summer.

While the actors of the series were in a meeting a few days ago and that Marodi made a casting during the last weekend, everything suggests that things will go very fast. [19659002]

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