Several cadres of the unified party RHDP including Adjoumani Kobenan excluded from the PDCI


Guikahu Sunday in Abidjan (ph KOACI)

© – Sunday, July 22, 2018 – The Chief Executive Secretary of the PDCI-RDA, the Minister Maurice Kakou Guikahue Search Maurice Kakou Guikahue led a press conference this Sunday, July 22 at the house of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI-RDA) in Cocody, as noted on site by KOACI.

At this press conference of firm decisions have been taken against supporters of the unified party RHDP.

In front of the press, the executive secretary of the PDCI returned to the constituent general assembly of the Unified Party RHDP Search RHDP of Monday, July 16th. He said that despite the Party Chairman's orders not to participate, some activists went there. Continuing, Maurice Kakou Guikahue Search Maurice Kakou Guikahue wanted to apologize to the President of the PDCI for all the activists who admitted to having been misled and who participated in the ceremonies of the General Assembly Constitutive of the RHDP, Unified Party, despite the injunctions of the latter not to participate in it

"Before continuing my opening remarks, I would like in my capacity as Executive Secretary of the Party, to apologize to the President of the Party for all these activists who admitted to having been misled and who participated in the ceremonies of the Constitutive General Assembly of the RHDP, Unified Party, despite the orders of the President of the Party not to participate and who are not founding members ", points out Guikahue

The executive secretary of the PDCI-RDA, also specifies that the militant founding members of the RHDP, Unified Party, excluded themselves of the Party

"As for the militant founding members of the RHDP, Unified Party, they know that no one can belong to two political parties at the same time, according to the provisions of the law n ° 93-668 of August 9th. 1993 on Political Parties and Groupings.

Thus, these people can no longer claim the status of militants of the PDCI-RDA from which they have excluded themselves by choosing to become militant of the unified party RHDP Search RHDP "Says Maurice Kakou Guikahué.

Those persons who can no longer claim the status of PDCI-RDA activists from whom they self-excluded were named by the Executive Secretary

"As a result, these persons can neither speak or act on behalf of the PDCI-RDA or display the insignia of the PDCI-RDA. They are: Kouassi Kobenan Adjoumani, Bernard Koutoua Ehui, Amede Kouakou, Paulin Danho, Michel Benoit Coffi, Felix Anoble, Kagnon Silue, Adophe Konan Saraka, Noel Yao, Louis Kouakou Ambonoua, Behou Ekis ", he notes.

Finishing, the executive secretary of the PDCI-RDA, Maurice Kakou Guikahué specified that Mrs. Oulai Madeleine who participated in the Constitutive General Assembly as a founding member of RHDP Search RHDP Party Unified, came to apologize to the Party President. She acknowledged that she was manipulated.

Since Ouattara's clarification on Daoukro's appeal (that he had not made a promise to Bedié for 2020, ed), the formation of the Gon 2 government without having consulted Bédié and his even extremism for the unified party, nothing goes more between the two Ivorian heads of state.

Jean Chresus for KOACI

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