Sino-Senegalese Cooperation: Macky and XI Jinping to Strengthen Partnership •


are the reasons for Xi Jinping's visit, to make the Sino-Senegalese political relationship closer and stronger, to make their bilateral co-operation more fruitful, to promote closer co-ordination in international affairs and to stimulate co-operation with China, President of the People's Republic of China in Senegal, July 21-22.

Four objectives will be on the agenda of the visit to Senegal of the President of the People's Republic of China, XI Jinping, on July 21 and 22, 2018. The announcement was made at a press conference by Zhang Xun, Chinese ambassador to Senegal. According to the diplomat, the first motive is to make the Sino-Senegalese political relationship closer and stronger. Thus, the two sides will approach bilateral relations with a long-term strategic vision, and will support each other more firmly, especially on issues of vital interest and concern, so as to raise political mutual trust at a higher level. . To make more fruitful their mutually advantageous bilateral co-operation, is the second point expected. Therefore, said Zhang Xun, Senegalese and Chinese will discuss to strengthen the synergy of deep development planning and pragmatic cooperation to better serve the development of the two countries, to the benefit of both peoples. The third is to promote closer coordination in international affairs. "The two states will strengthen consultations on international issues such as the reform of the UN executive council, the preservation of the international order of free trade, multilateralism and the fight against climate change," said Mr. Xun. And add that the fourth point is to stimulate cooperation between China and African countries, very attached to the important role played by Senegal as a large sub-regional country. "China intends to work together with Senegal to make the Sino-Senegalese relationship an example of the friendly cooperation between China and West African countries, with a view to promoting the comprehensive and equitable development of the Sino-African cooperation partnership. "He said. According to him, the two heads of state will testify the signing of several agreements and will visit together a project of cooperation. The Chinese president will lead a strong delegation with four Chinese leaders to the rank of Deputy Prime Ministers. During the visit, XI Jinping and Macky Sall will also discuss the Beijing Summit, the Sino-African Cooperation Forum and issues of common interest. According to him, this visit is of significant importance because it is President Xi Jinping's first foreign visit since his re-election, but also the first time he has made such a visit to a country in Africa. 'Where is. In addition, he said, Senegal is the first step on the African continent, which fully demonstrates the commitment of the President himself and the Chinese side to Sino-Senegalese relations.

China Against Trade Protectionism

Regarding the trade tension between China and the US, Zhang Xun hinted, "We do not want to see the differences become a conflict or a confrontation, let alone a trade war. This brings no benefit to any country. At the beginning, China has done its utmost to ensure that the parties concerned can take an objective view of the globalization process, including remaining difficulties, and manage trade divergences. " According to the Chinese ambassador to Senegal, to do this, the different parties must work in the same direction. But "wrong" unilateral actions of the American side violated the rules of the World Trade Organization. "China opposes unilateralism and trade protectionism. We are doing our best to lead the parties concerned to adopt an objective attitude to the process of globalization. "

Zachari BADJI

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