Study: The most expensive marriages last less


Most women like to have a princely wedding just like Meghan and Harry's. Only, what they do not know is that this kind of ceremony is not beneficial to the couple. Indeed, a statistical study has just proved that the more expensive marriage is, the less likely it is to last. On the other hand, this rule does not concern the honeymoon, which would be favorable to the couple .

The study was conducted by two economics professors from the University of Singapore. Through this, it has emerged, with some exceptions, that expensive marriages have the least chance of survival. According to The Independant, who has gone through the investigation, 3,000 married people have been arrested by researchers Andrew Francis-Tan and Hugo M Mialon. The latter concluded that the price of the engagement ring could be decisive for the duration of the marriage.

Thus they fixed a rule stipulating that beyond 1700 euros for the ring, the marriage could to take a big hit and that the risk of divorce could increase.

"Specifically, in the sample of men, spend between 1700 and 3400 euros for an engagement ring is associated with 1.3 times more risk of divorce only if you spend between 400 and 1700 euros. "

The findings are the same for the cost of the ceremony. Marriages that did not cost more than 850 euros are less likely to divorce, unlike those that cost more than 17,000 euros. They have a 1.6-fold probability of divorce.

In addition, honeymoon can reduce the risk of divorce, according to the researchers. For them, the honeymoon "significantly associated" with a stronger marriage


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