The boss of Merry travels in dirty clothes


Private tour operators sued in the scandal of the 150 candidates for the pilgrimage to Mecca 2017 were judged yesterday. They face sentences ranging from 6 months to 3 years with fines.

As their fellow tour operators are busy making final adjustments to convoy pilgrims to Mecca, Mame Merry Ndiaye, Faye Diop Mame, Awa Bekry Bao (the only one who appears free) and Cheikh Tidiane Sall were yesterday facing the president of the 2nd Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Dakar. They appeared with the name of Pope Mbagnick Ndiaye for the facts of criminal association, fraud and breach of trust. These tour operators responded to the scandal of the 150 pilgrimage candidates left in Dakar during the 2017 edition. Designated as the mastermind of the case, Mame Mberry Ndiaye risked 3 years with a fine of 1, 5 million FCFA. Mame Faye Diop and Cheikh Tidiane Sall risk 2 years including 1 year closes with a fine of 500 000 FCFA for each. Awa Bekry and Pope Mbagnick Ndiaye incur a firm 6 months and a fine of 500,000 FCFA

The damage is estimated at 524 million CFA francs. This amount represents the various sums of money that candidates to the holy places of Islam paid to go to Mecca. They had chosen the agency Merry Travel. Only, this one did not have approval of the delegation to the pilgrimage. For example, the agency had turned to Bissau-Guinean tour operators to allow Senegalese to obtain the visa. Unfortunately, the outsourcing that Merry wanted to do did not work. Thus, the candidates had not been able to go to Mecca to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam.

Yesterday, Mame Merry Ndiaye went back a long time on the reasons of this flop which characterized her baptism of the fire in the convoy of pilgrims to Mecca. The boss of Mberry Travel evolved in the sale of plane tickets before launching, in 2017, in the organization of travel for ziarra in Fez in Morocco for the benefit of 15 pilgrims. The appetite coming by eating, she organized the Oumra called little pilgrimage. Following, one of his clients offered him the great pilgrimage. Although unacceptable, she agreed that her "adviser" had made her believe that she could obtain visas from The Gambia since this neighboring country never reached her quota. It was in the meantime that the lady Aminata Ndiaye made a commitment to integrate her into her group.

In the meantime, the tour operator had enlisted 18 candidates who had registered with his fellow tour operator, Yamar Guèye. Thus, in total, she found herself with 28 files and made a check of 35 million to the lady who had promised the issuance of visas August 9. Given this promise, she had made a reservation for the same day with an airline.

Against all odds, the day D, when she called Aminata Ndiaye, it is her daughter who stalled while making him to know that his mother had gone to Mecca. It was there that she understood that the operation had messed up. While she was in despair, Cheikh Tidiane Sall, an employee of the old Yamar Guèye, came to her home with their co-host Mame Faye Diop to offer him the Bissau-Guinean option she finally accepted. Of 300 000 F, their collaborator ended up asking them 500 000 F by visa and for a number of 300 people. But they concluded for 150 people. The 60 are clients of Mame Faye, the 65 for Sall and the 25 for herself. All of them represent surpluses of candidates from different agencies.

At this point in her story, Mame Merry cracks and leans to the bar. She finished her deposition on a chair, with a fan and a bottle of water in her hand. Still, it follows from his statements that the new track was not successful because the candidates could not take off on August 19, date set for the first group. The worst thing, when she went to the embassy two days later, she found out she had been cheated. "Mansour Diop from the TV Sen came out calling me a crook and mafia. It swung in my face that 150 visas had been issued on behalf of my travel agency, "she defended.

Her comments were confirmed by Mame Faye Diop who also wanted to do to bring the hat to Cheikh Tidiane Sall concerning the choice of Guinea. What the latter contested arguing that everything was decided by consensus. On the reason for the flop, Sall attributed it to their Guinean partners who were unable to file the files in time.

But for Mr. Massokhna Kane, beyond private tour operators, the state has a share of responsibility in this matter. That's why he wanted to install it in the cause. An approach denounced by the judicial officer of the State who, from the beginning of the trial, raised a plea of ​​nullity. According to Cheikhna Hann, the civil action is subject to the rules of the CPC because it requires an administrative request beforehand on pain of nullity. In addition, he believes, we can not engage the responsibility of the state because in this case, it is private who are prosecuted. Since the objection was joined to the merits during his argument, he suggested that the State can not be installed in the case because it has no connection with the tour operators who found themselves with Problems with having exceeded the quotas set for them

At the time of going to press, the trial was still in progress with the pleadings of the defense.


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