"The day Jean-Marie Bigard asks me to marry"


In 2007, I'm going to see a show by Jean-Marie Bigard. As soon as we meet, the agreement is immediate, and soon we do not leave each other. Three years later, he imagines a great scenario to ask for my hand.

That night, I do not feel good, and a girlfriend who knows Jean-Marie trains me to see his one-man-show, "My psych is better". I do not know his reputation, I laugh from beginning to end, I find it great! After the show, we go to his dressing room. He said, staring at me, "What are you pretty girls? And brings us champagne. We chat, I confide that I want to become an actress, we exchange our phone numbers. A week later, he calls me to propose to be his rider at a social dinner. I accept …

See also: Jean-Marie Bigard: "I have love and respect for women"

In the late evening, he accompanies me, but soon we become lovers and we do not leave each other anymore. There is between us an osmosis, it's magic! We get along very well, we have a kind of intellectual connection … I hardly realize that he is twenty-eight years older than me! We spend our evenings going out, talking. I am 24 years old, I take theater classes, I go from cast to casting, I have a very strong desire to succeed in my life. The company of Jean-Marie and his friends enriched me enormously.

Read also: Jean-Marie Bigard. For Lola's sake

A lot of things bring us together: we have had tough youths, we are skinned alive and we both have strong characters, enough brawlers! So, in 2010, we get angry and he leaves me. I am very sad but, out of pride, I do not call him anymore. Until the day he sends me a message to invite me to dinner. I said, "OK, but you better get high if you want me to forgive you! In the evening, I'm getting ready, I want to be the most beautiful! I live on the first floor of an apartment rue de Grenelle. At 7:15 pm I hear an orchestra, trumpets, drums and I see twenty-five musicians disguised as clowns, harlequins. And Jean-Marie in three-piece suit, one knee on the ground, with open arms as in "Pretty Woman"!

All the neighbors are at the window, I shout at him: "Stop, get up! When I go down, a gigantic pink limousine is waiting for me, everyone applauds me. There, Jean-Marie opens a bottle of champagne and brings me to Grand Véfour, a haute cuisine restaurant. We dine, we laugh as before, I understand how much I missed him! During the meal, I guess a funny ride between the waiters and my lover. At the time of dessert, when I plant the spoon in the cake, I come across a small box containing a ring. I have tears in my eyes, he looks at me feverishly and asks me: "Do you want to marry me? "I do not answer right away, I let time pass, finally I say," You won! And I kiss her … The whole restaurant applauds, our table neighbors hug us. A real fairy tale!

Lola Marois published a novel, "Bad Girl," ed. Hugo Roman. In "Plus belle la vie", she plays policewoman Ariane. She plays in the film Emmanuel Gillibert, "Teeth, pee and in bed!

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