The European Union appreciates the progress of the electoral process in the DRC


Kinshasa – The support of the European Union proved essential to the smooth conduct of the electoral process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which finds on the last straight line for polls to be held next December

Africa Chief Executive Officer and EU Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, Koen Vervake, said his institution appreciates the progress of the electoral process in the DRC and is ready to accompany this process, during an interview Friday in Kinshasa, with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Leonard She Okitundu, in the presence of Bart Ouvry, head of the EU delegation in the DRC

The European diplomat indicated at the end of the exchanges that he spoke with his host about the preparation and organization of the elections to be held on December 23rd. 2018, before emphasizing that the Deputy Prime Minister reassured the delegation that these elections would be organized in accordance with the Constitution and the New Year's Eve Agreement. According to him, his institution supports the electoral process in the DRC so that it is credible, transparent and that the results are accepted by all after the polls.

He also noted that with the Deputy Prime Minister SheOkitundu the exchanges have also touched on the global relations between the DRC and the EU, indicating that the success of the electoral process will have a positive impact on these relations

He also indicated that the EU takes note of the decision of the DRC government to finance the elections alone. Regarding the closure of the Schengen house, the European diplomat said that there is a will between the two parties to find a quick solution.

He said he registered his visit to the DRC as part of the maintaining the political dialogue between the EU and the DRC, in accordance with the Cotonou Agreement establishing the political dialogue between the EU and African countries. The European statesman also said that, in line with the political dialogue, FedercaMogherine, Vice-President of the EU Commission and European Foreign Affairs, is ready to welcome Deputy Prime Minister SheOkitundu to Brussels. according to an agenda to be agreed quickly to deepen discussions on dialogue between the DRC and the EU

He affirmed that the EU maintains its financial commitment, in the field of infrastructure in the DRC, including its support for rehabilitation He also said that the EU welcomed the collaboration between his delegation and that of the DRC in the Human Rights Council and the DRC delegation which reached a consensus on the last resolution of the High Council of Human Rights on the events in Kasai. "This is a breakthrough that has been hailed by the EU representatives," he said.

The DRC is on the final stretch to organize elections, reassures She Okitundu

Deputy Prime Minister SheOkitundu reassured his interlocutors that the DRC has entered the straight line of the electoral process, stating that currently there is the nomination of candidates for the provincial elections and that On 24 July, there will be the submission of candidatures for the national legislative elections.

He noted that the Government of the DRC has taken all measures to ensure the proper conduct of elections, including financial, logistical and security . The head of Congolese diplomacy blasted a selective and discriminatory attitude of some international partners on the DRC compared to other countries of the sub-region of Africa.

He denounced a permanent suspicion on the intentions of the authorities of the DRC while the facts give reason to the Congolese government which makes every effort for the electoral process to advance

The good faith of the government of the DRC to organize the elections was attested by the Summit of the double Troika SADC in Luanda and the AU in Nouakchott, "said the Deputy Prime Minister. "The good faith of the Congolese authorities can no longer be called into question," he said in substance.


(ROL / Rei / Yes)

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