The Malay moment provoked by Trump's attacks at breakfast


Donald Trump at a breakfast before a NATO meeting, July 11, 2018, in Brussels, with John Kelly (left), Mike Pompeo and Jim Mattis (right). – Brendan Smialowski / AFP

"Germany is completely controlled by Russia (…) she is a prisoner of Russia. Donald Trump, who arrived back in Brussels on Tuesday, opened hostilities even before the start of the NATO summit by attacking with unprecedented virulence in Berlin.

On Wednesday, the US president once again more dismayed the US allies in NATO by asking them to increase their defense spending to 4% of their GDP. In plenary, he insisted that allies respect the commitment made in 2014 to spend 2% of their gross domestic product on defense in 2024 and then asked them to raise this spending to 4% of their GDP.

Trump's lieutenants wince

While Donald Trump was attacking Berlin, his chief of staff, John Kelly, winced. The White House says the explanation lies in the disappointing breakfast, as there was only "pastries and cheese" while Kelly expected a "full buffet."

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Minister Jim Mattis also set their plate several times. On Twitter, Pompeo made damage control defending NATO as "the greatest alliance in history."

"Donald Trump began by saying that he had a high regard for the Europeans and, two seconds later, he launched his speech on sharing the burden for defense spending, "told AFP the head of Luxembourgish diplomacy Jean Asselborn. "NATO is not a market where you can buy security," Bulgarian President Roumen Radev added during a meeting with the Bulgarian press. The atmosphere was not pleasant and there was some confusion around the table after Donald Trump's speech, Radev's entourage said.

Trump tweeted again

Secretary General Otan Jens Stoltenberg even evaded the subject during his press conference at the end of the day. "Let's start already with the 2% for which there is still much to do," he said.

About fifteen Member States, including Germany, Canada, Italy, Belgium and Spain, are under 1.4% of GDP in 2018 and will be unable to keep their word, which ulcers the US president, who then demanded, in a tweet, that the Allies carry their military spending to 2% "IMMEDIATELY."

Note that the joint declaration adopted this Wednesday by the leaders of the Alliance makes no mention of these famous 4%.

>> To read also: VIDEO. "It's a hard one," Trump relativizes the executions ordered by Kim Jong-un

>> See also: United States: Donald Trump will meet Angela Merkel on the sidelines of the summit of the NATO

>> See also: Putin and Trump meet for a bilateral summit this summer

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