The man with the longest nails in the world just cut them


For 66 years he had not cut his nails! And yet, Shridhar Chillal, an 82-year-old Indian, decided to cut them off this Wednesday, July 11.

Shridhar Chillal holds the world record for the longest nails. Indeed, if we add up the size of the nails of his fingers with the left hand, they reach the length of … 909.6 cm ! Nevertheless, the man decided to part with his pride during a ceremony in New York this Wednesday, July 11.

He takes at the word his teacher

Everything begins while Shridhar Chillal was 14 years old. He explains to our confrere of The Guardian that the idea of ​​being allowed to grow nails came to him when he had just broken the nail of his teacher. The latter sermonized him, telling him that he could not understand the attention that had to be paid not to break a fingernail. However, the young teenager decides to take his teacher at his word. His conviction is so strong that he even decides to stay still in the middle of the night so as not to break his nails.

909.6 cm of nails!

66 years later, Shridhar Chillal still has not cut his fingernails with his left hand. But that was until Wednesday, July 11th. Indeed, the man now 82 years old, decided to cut his nails . And the least we can do is it's time! In fact, his cartilage had hardened and thickened over the years. His nails, which measured 909.6 cms ended in a sort of spiral. A record that earned the octogenarian a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

This Wednesday, Shridhar Chillal ended up having their nails cut, their weight causing pain. A unique moment, which took place in New York . With the help of a small circular saw, the recorder has separated from his nails, which will be exhibited at the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum.

If he wishes to make a new record, he can still try to beat the one of this man who has eaten more than 30 000 Big Mac from Mc Donald's.

Published on Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 15:01, changes Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 11:46

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