The more your wedding costs, the less likely it is to last


This creed does not come out of nowhere, it is from statistics. Indeed two economics professors from the University of Singapore conducted a statistical study on the fact that the more a couple spends for his wedding ceremony the less likely their union is to

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Expensive Wedding Will not Live Old

After interviewing more than 3,000 married people, Hugo M Mialon and Andrew Francis-Tan discovered that the price of the engagement ring and the wedding party were inversely proportional to the length of the relationship. Although this theory is obviously not absolute, the two professors still established the hypothesis that a ring too expensive increased the probability of a quick divorce.

They declare: "Spend between 1700 and 3400 euros for an engagement ring is associated with 1.3 times more risk of divorce than if you spend between 400 and 1700 euros. In the same way, the cost of the ceremony, generates an identical conclusion: A ceremony costing less than 850 euros significantly reduces the chances of separations, while a marriage costing more than 17000 euros increases 1.6 times the probability of separation. divorced. In addition, the importance given to the appearance of the bride and groom is also relative to the duration of the marriage.


The rule obviously knows some exceptions [19659004] As for the honeymoon you can let go, it contrasts these somewhat depressing statistics! According to researchers, honeymoon is associated with a lasting union and is beneficial for the couple.

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