The Morning – The major stake is to be able to mobilize the genius of the local actors and the collective intelligence at the regional level


The process of decentralization initiated in Morocco since independence seems to have accelerated in recent years. Indeed, the various reforms made during the last decade suggest the transition to a vision where the territory is considered as a major player in the implementation and design of development policies. But how to involve the local actor in this dynamic in order to promote the creation of wealth and the reduction of inequalities? The Panel 1 of the third edition of the Morrocco Today Forum (MTF) proposed to answer this question.

Entitled "Regionalization and devolution of powers, between understanding of the concept and mobilization of the actors", this panel fits in line with the theme chosen for this edition, namely the examination of "regional disparities, ecosystem for the achievement of harmonious development". For the economist and secretary-general of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, the major challenge for the 12 regions of the Kingdom is to mobilize the genius of local actors and the collective intelligence of all the local and regional forces to promote creation. regional wealth, "because beyond the material resources that will be transferred to the regions and their recourse to debt, and beyond the rationalization of allocated local and regional public resources, the mobilization of actors for the creation of wealth is a major challenge to succeed in the work of regionalization which is still in its infancy, "analyzes Mr. Guerraoui. An objective whose attainment depends, according to this expert, on the capacity of each region to innovate, by making use in particular of international benchmarks and the examination of good practices capable of promoting a more harmonious regional and territorial development.
The other challenges, according to Mr Guerraoui, concern better management and time management during the implementation of the various regional projects and the promotion of the effectiveness and efficiency of actions in the framework of the principle of Accountability. "Politicians and elected officials must realize that they are now dealing with citizens who are aware of their rights and act accordingly," he adds.

Indeed, the promotion of Efficiency and effectiveness of actions are precisely the two principles behind the decision of the National Agency for Land Conservation, Cadastre and Cartography (ANCFCC) to digitize its services. As one of the pioneering public institutions to have taken the digital turn, the Agency is now resolutely engaged in the digitization of its businesses and services.

With this in mind, the ANCFCC is gradually deploying a space of online services easily accessible and secure, which is like a real virtual agency available to all users, whether private or professional. "The number of citizens who visit our services annually is in the order of 3.2 million. Today, thanks to the digitization of the property certificate, 40% of this workforce is moving towards the site. This allows the Agency to reduce the number of physical visits (estimated at 3) by citizens to Agency services. This positive result encourages us to completely dematerialise this service, "notes Karim Tajmouati, General Manager of the ANCFCC. According to this official, the process of issuing the certificate of ownership will be 100% digitized from next September, which will optimize the time of the administration and the citizen.
Better time management seems in the key to meeting the challenge of wealth creation by the regions. "In an increasingly connected world, the administration is more than ever called upon to provide adapted and above all fast responses to the expectations of citizens, especially young people," concludes Joseph Ntakarutimana, Deputy Secretary General of the National Defense Council of Democracy-Forces of Defense of Democracy (CNDD-FDD) of Burundi.

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