The Movement In no case promises a replica in case of vagrancy of the heads of state of ECOWAS



It is no secret that on July 31, 2018, the Heads of State of ECOWAS will meet Lom, in order to make recommendations to the Togolese people.

To this end, the Citizen Movements, engaged artists and activists gathered in Dakar, the occasion of the Popular University of the Citizen's Commitment (UPEC) did not fail to give their unswerving support to the Togolese people and to ask ECOWAS to seize this opportunity of vital importance for its credibility to demonstrate that it has ceased to be a trade union but a tool at the service of the people.

For them, the Togolese struggle is no longer exclusively the prerogative of the Togolese people and the struggling internal forces but also the business of all the Citizen Movements, engaged artists and activists of the world present this meeting. They will not hesitate to make a solidarity reply in case of vagrancy of the Heads of State on July 31.

The Movement IN NO CASE, for its part comes by the present to call the ECOWAS so that its proposals reflect the real expectations of the people. To do so, she must put herself in advance the mind that there are red lines not to cross; at the risk of exacerbating the crisis and precipitating the inevitable fall of the regime. These lines are, inter alia: to allow Faure GNASSINGB to be a new candidate, to ask the Togolese people to go to elections without the constitutional, institutional and electoral reforms being made, to propose a government of national unity or to minimize the tense, the depth, the nature and the door of the struggle of the Togolese people.

By cons, what it must do is to demand:

-the re-establishment of the 1992 Constitution in its version original,
-The dissolution of all political and electoral institutions and the establishment of a transition lasting no more than two (2) years.
-The liberation of all political prisoners including Kpatcha GNASSINGB in the 72H that will follow the meeting,
-The recomposition of the CENI, the Constitutional Court, the HAAC, the Court of Accounts,
-The organization of the next legislative, municipal and presidential elections by the institutions under the supervision of the United Nations and ECOWAS, as in 1958,
-Deployment of ECOWAS military forces throughout the national territory during the transition,
-Action of concrete measures to guarantee the neutrality and impartiality of the security and defense forces during the transition.

To do so, it is imperative that even the Chiefs of Staff, the directors of the Gendarmerie, the police and the intelligence services are chosen consensually by the democratic forces and the ruling party.

However, if it comes to make recommendations contrary to the aspirations of the people, there will be for us no choice but to say No.

We invite the people to remain sober, vigilant and attentive and to stand up, in case of need as one man to express their total rejection and to wish for them.

At the same time, we invite the coalition re ster faithful to the demands of the people and sign no document whose content would be at the antipodes of the aspirations of the people.

Also, in the coming days, minent members of the regime will leave the boat to join the people.
Among them, members of the Movement IN NO CASE and persons who have made the choice to turn the page definitively and have decided to no longer be complicit in our misfortunes.

When that moment comes, we pray to the people to welcome them as prodigal sons, to accept them and to show them all their affection so that, in return, they can feel at home and put their experience, knowledge and knowledge of the diet at the service of the struggle, with a view to happy end.

On the other hand, we ask all the members of the regime who have not yet made the decision to enter with the people in the democratic process to do so while there is still time and invite the Sieur Pascal BODJONA to say clearly to the Togolese people, by concrete acts of which side he is truly.

Done Lom, July 30, 2018

For the Executive Committee,
1st Spokesperson,


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