the opposition denounces the prospect of a "life presidency" of Museveni – La Libre Afrique


Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is heading for a "life presidency," a lawyer representing the opposition said Friday after the Ugandan court has removed the age limit of 75 to be a candidate for the presidency. head of state. In power for 31 years, the 73-year-old Ugandan leader enacted a law in January abolishing the 75-year age limit for running for president, angering the opposition.

coalition of opposition parties then went to court. But the judges validated Thursday the law, allowing Mr. Museveni to seek a sixth mandate in 2021.

"The court has dedicated the presidency for life, the power of one man," lamented the lawyer specialist of human rights Ladislaus Rwakafuzi, who represents the coalition of parties. "The judges have lacked the courage to tell the president that he has been here long enough," he added.

The lawyer intends to consult the plaintiffs to decide whether they appeal or not. [19659005"Westillbelievewecangetjusticeatanotherlevel"saidWinnieKiizaleaderoftheoppositioninparliament

Deputy Attorney General Mwesigya Rukutana said " very happy "of the decision of the judges

Museveni, who took power in 1986 as head of the rebel army, once said that the leaders who" stayed too long "in power embodied the roots of the evils of Africa.

But while he was running for a fifth term in 2016, he assured that it was not yet time for him to leave, saying he still had a lot of work to do.

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