The Potential: "CNSA-CENI-Government Tripartite: Olenghankoy settles its accounts"


Press review of Friday, July 6, 2018

The newspapers read this morning in kiosks of Kinshasa return on the work of the tripartite government-CENI-CNSA on the evaluation of the electoral process.

Faced with a possible drift of the electoral process, the president of the National Monitoring and Evaluation Council of the agreement of December 31, 2016 (CNSA), Joseph Olenghankoy, hoped to meet President Joseph Kabila to mark the path in view

It is finally in front of the tripartite, opened Thursday in Kinshasa, that Joseph Olenghankoy discharged all his anger as much on the CENI as on the government, explains the newspaper. The president of the CNSA pinned the risk of blocking a process and blamed the government and the CENI, each in his sphere of action, for the delay in implementing the December 31, 2016 Political Agreement. , says the daily.

For The Lighthouse Joseph Olenghankoy did not miss the opportunity to "shoot Tshibala and Nangaa". The president of the CNSA has used very harsh terms in his diagnosis of the state of play of the electoral process in the DRC and noted, on a global level, that we have been on the spot for several months, reports the tabloid. 19659005] He deplored the lack of consensus on the voting machine, shunned by a large part of the political class and civil society and reminded the President of the CENI the corrupt nature of the electoral register, the newspaper continues.

In the government, underlines Prosperity Joseph Olenghankoy criticized the freezing of the measures of political relaxation contained in the agreement of December 31, 2016 to guarantee inclusive and peaceful elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

L'Avenir pinned the question to the government, which must settle the question of the sureties paid since 2015 for the provincial legislative elections and which must also compensate people victims of the intolerance of the events of the month. October 2016, namely the families of victims and members of political parties.

Joseph Olenghankoy, also urged the government to materialize "the wish" issued many times by the head of state Joseph Kabila for the repatriation of the remains of Etienne Tshisekedi died since 1 February 2017 in Brussels, informs .

Three commissions were set up to analyze and propose solutions to the concerns raised by the president of the CNSA, notes the Congolese News Agency These are the commissions responsible for collecting information, the electoral process and the easing of tension. The ACP also indicates that the closure of the tripartite will take place on Saturday.

The other subject that interests the tabloids Kinois is the deposit of nominations for those who will participate in the provincial legislative.

The date of closing of the applications is set for Sunday, July 8, recalls Forum des As which notes that the CENI said that there will be no extension possible it would impact negatively on the rest of the pre-election operations of which the date of December 23 for the holding of general elections.

In almost all the provinces, the newspaper notes, there was no enthusiasm around the Registration Offices almost two weeks after the start of the operation. The reason for this lack of interest seems to be the deposit rate of USD 1000 per candidate nominated on the list of electors, the tabloid assumes.

INEC President Corneille Nangaa reminds participants that his institution will not exceed not a single day the deadline included in the electoral calendar with regard to the filing of candidatures at all levels namely presidential, national and provincial legislature, indicates The Future .

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