The Pussy Riot release a new song and call for the release of their



Punk band Pussy Riot released a new song on Tuesday that features peaceful and festive Russian policemen after the arrest of four of its members for bursting onto the pitch in the final. of the World Cup.

"Track About Good Cop", a dance track with the scent of the 90s, shows a young man dressed as a Russian policeman fidgeting in the snow or in the middle of neon lights.

"Police officers kiss each other under the stars. clouds, "says the song. "Me and the policeman, we went from enemies to duet", also sings the feminine interpreter of the piece.

The feminist protest group sees there "the utopian dream of an alternative political reality in which, instead of 'Stop the activists and put them in prison, the police would join them,' according to a statement.

Under the video posted on Tuesday on YouTube, the collective Pussy Riot has published a list of demands, in the first place the release of Four of his family detained in Russia.

They were sentenced Monday to 15 days in jail for briefly introducing themselves on Sunday at the Moscow's Luzhniki stadium in the FIFA World Cup finals. [19659004] Among other claims published under the clip are the release of all political prisoners in Russia, the end of mass arrests on the sidelines of political gatherings and respect for freedom of expression, dema ndes already formulated several times.

The launch of the video comes on the day of the condemnation of Russia by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for "multiple violations" against the Pussy Riot in 2012.

Three of their members were arrested in Moscow in February 2012 after attempting to play anti-Putin songs in the compound of the Moscow Cathedral.

They had been sentenced to two years of imprisonment, a judgment of "exceptional severity" given the facts alleged, said Tuesday the ECHR in its decision.

If one of the three activists was released after seven months of detention, the two others spent 22 months in prison.

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