The relationship between Ouattara and me "withstands the weather of sometimes excessive surroundings" (Soro)


APA-Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

The president of the Ivorian National Assembly, Guillaume Kigbafori Soro affirmed that the relation between the Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara and him, "withstands the bad weather of the two circles sometimes excessive".

million. Soro was speaking in an interview broadcast Sunday on the antennas of Radio France International (RFI). "The relationship between Mr. Ouattara and Guillaume Soro withstands the storms of both circles sometimes excessive and I often suffer the wrath," said the head of the Ivorian parliament stressing that "our relationship remains strong and excellent."

A few months ago, the atmosphere was tense between the entourages of the two men, sometimes leading to verbal violence held here and there in the press and on social networks.

During this interview, Mr. Soro, who is also one of the vice-presidents of the Rassemblement des Republicains (RDR), the Ivorian presidential party, reviewed a number of current affairs issues in his country. creation of the new unified party RHDP (Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace), national reconciliation, the presidential election of 2020 and the assessment of the governance of Mr. Ouattara after more than seven years in power.

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