the UN concerned about the resurgence of community violence in the Mopti region


 That's not all. Last weekend, a new movement was born. Called the Coordination of Peul Associations, it is headed by Prof. Aliou Nouhou Diallo, former President of the Malian National Assembly.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) expressed concern by the resurgence of community violence in central Mali

"We are deeply concerned by the increase in violence perpetrated through community demarcation lines in the Mopti region of central Mali," said Rupert Colville , spokesman for OHCHR, during a press briefing in Geneva on Tuesday

In recent weeks, human rights experts from the UN Mission in Mali have noted an alarming trend of civilians fleeing their homes, either after being directly targeted or as a result of deadly attacks on members of their communities in surrounding villages.

Since the beginning of the war, year, the division of Human Rights of the United Nations Integrated Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) recorded 99 incidents of sectarian violence that killed at least 289 civilians dead. Seventy-six of these incidents – about 77% of the total – occurred in the Mopti region alone, 49 of which occurred since May 1.

In an interview with UN Info, the Director of the Human Rights Division the Man of the UN Mission in Mali said that "it is violence perpetrated by community militias targeting other communities". "Civilians are also targeted by radical armed groups also called terrorist groups," added Guillaume Ngefa.

In this regard, the High Commissioner's services cite these attacks allegedly carried out by Dozos (traditional hunters) and elements Dogon militias against villages or parts of villages occupied mainly by members of the Fulani community

The Dogon and Bambara communities were themselves targeted by the JNIM and Fulani (Fulani) militias. Between 7 and 10 July alone, MINUSMA documented five attacks against civilians in these communities in the Djenné and Koro regions, which killed at least seven people.

This escalation of violence in the region Mopti resulted in significant population movements. "In a particularly troubling situation, about 3,000 displaced persons from the Fulani community who took refuge in the village of Birga-Fulah (in the Koro region) were surrounded by the Dogon militia and prevented from leaving the village to search for food. and other essential items, "denounced Rupert Colville.

In these circumstances, the United Nations urges the Malian authorities to continue taking measures to prevent further serious human rights violations in the Mopti region. Bamako is also urged to address urgently the abuses committed by Malian government forces.

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