The United States announces when they will strike IRAN • * Mali


The United States recently announced that it is preparing to strike Iran's nuclear facilities very soon. It was our colleagues from ABC who made the announcement in reference to a source from the Australian government. The media reports that Washington said it wants to hit Iran's nuclear facilities next August. But these allegations were refuted by the country's Prime Minister.

The media also added that Australian defense systems as well as British intelligence agencies could contribute to the identification of targets on Iranian territory. Last Friday, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said there was no reason to believe that Donald Trump was bombarding Iran.

" Today, I saw the report at that time. about ABC quoting top government sources. It is about speculation, it [la chaîne, ndlr] quotes anonymous sources he said.


It is against a backdrop of tensions between Donald Trump and Hassan Rohani that these allegations about a possible US strike against Iran come into play. On July 23, Donald Trump warned IRAN via its Twitter page never to threaten the United States.

" Never again threaten the United States or you will suffer consequences such as little in the course of history have known before. We are no longer a country that will endure your demented words of violence and death. Be careful! "he wrote.

Earlier, the Iranian President had called on Donald Trump to" not play with the tail of the lion "stressing that Tehran" was not making war on anyone " and "that a war with Iran would be the mother of all wars ."

It was last May that relations between the United States and IRAN deeply deteriorated with the US President announced the withdrawal of the Iran nuclear deal and decided to impose unilateral sanctions on Tehran again. This decision was challenged by Russia, China, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the EU


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