The United States wants to accompany the Ivory Coast in cocoa and cocoa processing


The United States wants to accompany the Ivory Coast in the processing of cocoa and cocoa, of which the country is the world's largest producer, said Tuesday Abidjan Gil Kaplan, Undersecretary of International Trade, the result of a working session with members of the Government

M. Kaplan, who was leading a delegation of 50 people including businessmen and US government officials as part of the implementation of MCC projects, said his country is ready to invest in Côte d'Ivoire in cocoa processing and

Like the cocoa and coca bush sectors, the US government also plans to help the country develop the mining sector by bringing skills to the Cte ​​d'Ivoire to meet with stakeholders in these sectors to bring them their expertise, he added.

In this sense, he says, the United States plans to build relations with the US private sector to allow the Ivory Coast to transform its raw materials. He is pleased that the Ivorian State and the private sector are working together on development issues.

Nearly 25 companies coming for the visit are ready to invest in the Ivory Coast, Kaplan said, announcing that his department is working with the state on an agreement to make information available to Americans various markets and offers in the Ivory Coast

The American company Visa signed Monday Abidjan a protocol of agreement with the Minister of Finance in order to digitize the means of payment in Cte d'Ivoire. As part of the strengthening of economic cooperation, the Bechel group has signed an agreement to digitize the television sector.

In addition to businessmen, Mr. Kaplan also led a mission of the US President's Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa. The delegation, which has already visited Ethiopia, Kenya, and Ivory Coast, continues its tour in Ghana on Wednesday.

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), with a budget of 295.47 billion CFA francs, of which the Cte of Ivory Coast, should make it possible to carry out innovative projects in the sectors of education, transport and socio-economic infrastructures.

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