This campaign celebrates the diversity of female bodies


/ Society / News society / This swimsuit campaign celebrates the diversity of female bodies and we are really fans!

© Facebook Chromat / ANASTASIA GARCIA


by Leslie Muya [19659005] today at 17:40

At the pool, we know all the rules. No dive, do not run around the pool … But what about the rules of benevolence so that all women feel comfortable in their bodies? The American brand Chromat launches a new line for all called "Pool Rules". A way to celebrate the bodypositivism and we can only love.

Summer often rhymes with swimsuits. But for some women, the mere fact of thinking of her in this outfit at the beach or the pool turns to anguish. And for good reason, there is a real pressure on the bodies of women because of the dictates of society that advocate one and the same beauty and not the diversity of different types of beauty. Today, it is true that things change little by little with the highlighting of multiple profiles in the cosmetics, film or fashion industry … But the way is still long.

The brand of clothing Chromat has also participated in this evolution by including from its beginnings bodies that were not used to see and not so often associated with the "beautiful". The proof with the last campaign called "Pool Rules" (French rules). Militant advertising that exudes confidence, love and self acceptance

The models chosen are young, not so young, round, sometimes disabled, proudly wearing scars or being transsexuals. Some have ebony skin, others have western origins but all wear a beautiful smile dressed in their swimsuit.

" I wanted to make a campaign that really celebrates all the fashion pioneers and they represent all a form of advocacy to change the culture in which we live and advance it " Becca McCharen-Tran, the creator of the brand, told Glamor US magazine.

Positive values ​​conveyed and new rules

It's not just a publicity. Denise Bidot and Emme (models plus size), Mama Cax (amputee of one leg) and Genna Rocero (transgender model), not to mention Ericka Hart, a breast cancer survivor, are examples of courageous women. In the skins of lifeguards, they are there to protect girls with their t-shirt "babeguard" and celebrate at the same time the feminine solidarity. Confident, the models introduce new rules to follow at the pool where intolerance is now prohibited, no woman has to feel complexed with her age and where food shaming is prohibited.

How many overweight people Feeling uncomfortable eating ice cream in public and are victims of grossophobia every day? These rules should be applied in everyday life! But for now, "Pool Rules" allows at least all women to identify themselves and to (finally) see women who look like them in advertisements.

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by Leslie Muya

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