This famous actor almost ruined the career of Mark Wahlberg


Mark Wahlberg almost missed out on his career because of another actor, Leonardo Di Caprio

A career can be played out little. In 1995, when he wanted to break through as an actor, everything nearly failed for Mark Wahlberg . We explain how.

From enemies to friends … there is only one step!

You may not know it, but the professional career of Mark Wahlberg has not always turned around the cinema . At the very beginning, he had even taken a totally different artistic orientation, he was … member of a boy band.

But, in 1995, he realizes that he would probably be better as an actor. He appears at the cast of the film "Basketball Diaries" . Problem : the star of the film, Leonardo Di Caprio does not want to play with an actor who comes from a boy band. Mark Whalberg explains that the two men had a long fight before finally reaching an agreement. In the end, they will even become friends he explains to the Daily Mail .

For those who have not seen, the story of this film revolves around a young basketball player new- York who sinks into drugs. Particularly good in this film, Mark Wahlberg will then be offered many roles. It was in 1997 that his career really took off. He is now one of the best paid actors in Hollywood. But, if Leonardo Di Caprio had said no, he might still be a musician …

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